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Look Inside Playgoing in Shakespeare's London

Playgoing in Shakespeare's London

3rd Edition

  • Date Published: June 2004
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521543224


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About the Authors
  • This is a newly revised edition of Andrew Gurr's classic account of the people for whom Shakespeare wrote his plays. Gurr assembles evidence from the writings of the time to describe the physical structure of the playhouses, the services provided in the auditorium, the cost of a ticket and a cushion, the size of the crowds, the smells, the pickpockets, and the collective feelings generated by the plays. As well as revising and adding new material which has emerged since the second edition, Gurr develops new sections. He considers the difference between Shakespearean and modern thinking about early staging, the complex historical process which established the permanent playhouses, and the development of a distinctly different acting style in the open-air playhouses from that of the indoor halls. Fifty new entries have been added to the list of playgoers and there are a dozen fresh quotations about the experience of playgoing.

    • Third edition of the most authoritative study of playgoing in Shakespeare's time
    • Full of meticulously recorded information, both in words and pictures
    • As well as revising and adding new material which has emerged since the second edition in 1996, Gurr develops new sections about points of special interest
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    Product details

    • Edition: 3rd Edition
    • Date Published: June 2004
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521543224
    • length: 360 pages
    • dimensions: 226 x 150 x 25 mm
    • weight: 0.48kg
    • contains: 22 b/w illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Introduction
    2. Physical conditions
    3. Social composition
    4. Mental composition
    5. The evolution of tastes
    Appendix 1: Playgoers 1567–1642
    Appendix 2: References to playgoing.

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    Playgoing in Shakespeare's London

    Andrew Gurr

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  • Author

    Andrew Gurr, University of Reading
    Andrew Gurr is Emeritus Professor, University of Reading. His many books include The Shakespearean Stage 1574-1642 (third edition 1993), Writers in Exile, Playgoing in Shakespeare's London (second edition 1996), The Shakespearian Playing Companies (1996), and (with Mariko Ichikawa) Staging in Shakespeare's Theatres (2000).

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