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An Introduction to Communication

  • Date Published: December 2018
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781316606919


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About the Authors
  • Prioritizing brevity and clarity, this textbook introduces the study of communication through examples and applications of communication in a variety of contexts. With a unique focus on diversity and the impact of culture, each chapter opens with a case study that identifies a communication challenge, which the chapter addresses throughout, and concludes with questions that respond to that challenge. A consistent, organized structure with numerous features including fundamental issues, questions for understanding and analysis, theoretical insight (examining a particular relevant theory), and a skill set section, easily guides you through the foundations of the study of communication. Cross-referencing between chapters demonstrates the multidimensional nature of communication and the everyday talk sections demonstrate how each topic relates to technology, the workplace, or health issues. Offering a wealth of diverse examples from students' personal, professional, and online lives, this book teaches skills allowing students from all academic backgrounds to understand communication.

    • Approaches the topic efficiently and concisely
    • Maintains a consistent focus on communication research
    • Prioritizes diversity and the effect of culture on communication
    • Sustains a concentration on the intersection between skill and theory
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'Easy, insightful, and practical … By quoting communication encounters and everyday talks, the book features strong insights into the everyday relevance and applications of communication in various contexts.' Julius Erdmann, University of Potsdam

    'Turner and West have created a focused textbook that works to incorporate theory, diverse perspectives, and applications, while highlighting the need for ethical communication in a variety of contemporary contexts.' Kristina Ruiz-Mesa, California State University, Los Angeles

    'Smart, grounded in broad and deep knowledge of communication, and filled with contemporary examples that ring true to students' lives. [It] fills a need for a new approach to communication study.' Helen Sterk, Western Kentucky University

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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 2018
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781316606919
    • length: 322 pages
    • dimensions: 246 x 190 x 14 mm
    • weight: 0.71kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. The communication process
    2. Culture and communication
    3. Perception, the self, and communication
    4. Verbal and nonverbal communication
    5. Listening and responding
    6. Interpersonal and relational communication
    7. Communication in small groups and organizations
    8. Social/mass media and communication
    9. Preparing and composing speeches
    10. Audience analysis and speech delivery.

  • Authors

    Lynn H. Turner, Marquette University, Wisconsin
    Lynn H. Turner received her Ph.D. from Northwestern University and she is a Professor in Communication Studies at Marquette University, Wisconsin. Lynn has served as President of the Central States Communication Association as well as President of the National Communication Association (NCA), the oldest and largest professional communication association in the world. She and Rich have co-authored five books and co-edited two anthologies, The Sage Handbook of Family Communication (2014) and the Family Communication Sourcebook (2006), the latter receiving NCA's Distinguished Book Award. She is the co-recipient of the Bernard J. Brommel Distinguished Scholarship in Family Communication Award and have served together as guest co-editors of the Journal of Family Communication upon three different occasions.

    Richard West, Emerson College, Boston
    Richard West received his Ph.D. from Ohio University in Athens and is Professor in Communication Studies at Emerson College, Boston. Rich has served as President of the Eastern Communication Association as well as President of the National Communication Association (NCA), the oldest and largest professional communication association in the world. He and Lynn have co-authored five books co-edited two anthologies, The Sage Handbook of Family Communication (2014) and the Family Communication Sourcebook (2006), the latter receiving NCA's Distinguished Book Award. He is the co-recipient of the Bernard J. Brommel Distinguished Scholarship in Family Communication Award and have served together as guest co-editors of the Journal of Family Communication upon three different occasions.

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