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Look Inside Ancient Empires

Ancient Empires
From Mesopotamia to the Rise of Islam

  • Date Published: August 2011
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521717809


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About the Authors
  • Ancient Empires is a relatively brief yet comprehensive and even-handed overview of the ancient Near East, the Mediterranean and Europe, including the Greco-Roman world, Late Antiquity and the early Muslim period. Taking a focused and thematic approach, it aims to provoke a discussion of an explicit set of themes supplemented by the reading of ancient sources. By focusing on empires and imperialism as well as modes of response and resistance, it is relevant to current discussions about order, justice and freedom. The book concludes that some of the ancient world's most enduring ideas, value systems and institutions were formulated by peoples who were resisting the great empires. It analyzes the central, if problematic, connection between political and ideological power in both empire formation and resistance. The intricate interrelations among ideological, economic, military and political power are explored for every empire and resisting group.

    • A brief yet comprehensive and even-handed overview of the ancient Near East, the Mediterranean and Europe, including the Greco-Roman world, Late Antiquity and the early Muslim period
    • A focused and thematic approach which provokes discussion of an explicit set of themes and allows time for reading actual ancient sources
    • A practical focus on empires and imperialism as well as modes of response, which are themes currently on the minds of many college students and others
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    Reviews & endorsements

    '… this is a stimulating essay, one that rewards a careful reader with new insights into a variety of issues. The maps are useful and readable; other illustrative material is always clearly integrated into the narrative and appropriately placed in the text … Ancient Empires should assist academic readers, in general not just specialists in the ancient world, in posing better questions in their own work. Better questions, like those raised in [this book], yield better research.' Thomas Burns, Ancient History Bulletin

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    Product details

    • Date Published: August 2011
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521717809
    • length: 386 pages
    • dimensions: 255 x 178 x 20 mm
    • weight: 0.81kg
    • contains: 131 b/w illus. 14 maps
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Introduction: what is an (ancient) empire?
    1. Prelude to the Age of Ancient Empires
    2. The rise of the Age of Ancient Empires
    3. Dealing with empires: varieties of responses
    4. Beyond the Near East: the Neo-Babylonian and early Achaemenid Persian empires
    5. The crucible of history: east meets west
    6. Democracy and empire between Athens and Alexander
    7. 'Spear-won' empires: the Hellenistic synthesis
    8. The western Mediterranean and the rise of Rome
    9. Imperium sine fine: Roman imperialism and the end of the old order
    10. The new political order: the foundations of the principate
    11. Ruling and resisting the Roman Empire
    12. Imperial crisis and recovery
    13. Universal empires and their peripheries in Late Antiquity
    14. The formation of the Islamic world empire.

  • Instructors have used or reviewed this title for the following courses

    • Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Near East and Egypt
    • Ancient Classical Culture and Civilization
    • Ancient Empires
    • Ancient Europe and the Mediterranean
    • Ancient History
    • Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations
    • Ancient Mediterranean Empires
    • Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome
    • Ancient World
    • Cities and Empires: Intro to the Ancient World
    • Civilizations of Ancient Turkey
    • Classical Civilization
    • Cultural History I: Antiquity to the Middle Ages
    • Decline and Fall
    • Early European Civlization
    • Empire and Its Enemies
    • Germany since 1806
    • Greek History
    • History of the Ancient Mediterranean
    • History of the Ancient Near East
    • Imperial Collapse
    • Preclassical Cultures
    • Rome: Republic and Empire
    • The Ancient World
    • The World of Polis and Covenant
    • Topics in Pre-Modern History
    • Western Civilization to 1500
    • World Civ to 1800
    • World History: Global Perspectives
  • Authors

    Eric H. Cline, George Washington University, Washington DC
    Eric H. Cline is Associate Professor and the Chair of the Department of Classical and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at The George Washington University. The author of more than eighty articles, his most recent books include Biblical Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction and From Eden to Exile: Unravelling Mysteries of the Bible.

    Mark W. Graham, Grove City College, Pennsylvania
    Mark W. Graham is Associate Professor in the Department of History at Grove City College, Pennsylvania. He has published numerous articles in scholarly journals and has contributed chapters to several books including Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic Tradition and Encyclopedia of the Empires of the World. He is the author, most recently, of News and Frontier Consciousness in the Late Roman Empire.

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