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The Worlds of the Indian Ocean

The Worlds of the Indian Ocean
A Global History

  • Author: Philippe Beaujard, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris
  • Date Published: October 2019
  • availability: In stock
  • format: Multiple copy pack
  • isbn: 9781108341271

Multiple copy pack

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About the Authors
  • Europe's place in history is re-assessed in this first comprehensive history of the ancient world, centering on the Indian Ocean and its role in pre-modern globalization. Philippe Beaujard presents an ambitious and comprehensive global history of the Indian Ocean world, from the earliest state formations to 1500 CE. Supported by a wealth of empirical data, full-color maps, plates, and figures, he shows how Asia and Africa dominated the economic and cultural landscape and the flow of ideas in the pre-modern world. This led to a trans-regional division of labor and an Afro-Eurasian world economy. Beaujard questions the origins of capitalism and hints at how this world-system may evolve in the future. The result is a re-orienting of world history, taking the Indian Ocean, rather than Europe, as the point of departure.

    • Thoroughly revised and updated by the author for the first English-language edition, including a wide range of full-color maps and plates
    • Offers a new model for the world-system approach by examining the possibility that globalization processes existed in ancient world economies
    • Re-assesses Braudel's approach and Wallerstein's theory for regions outside Europe prior to the sixteenth century
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    Reviews & endorsements

    '… an ambitious and thoroughly comprehensive book … It will be a standard reference volume for many generations of anthropologists, archaeologists, economic historians and classicists interested in the deep history of the Indian Ocean.' Chapurukha M. Kusimba, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa

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    Product details

    • Date Published: October 2019
    • format: Multiple copy pack
    • isbn: 9781108341271
    • length: 2100 pages
    • dimensions: 310 x 235 x 205 mm
    • weight: 6.5kg
    • availability: In stock
  • Table of Contents

    Volume 1. Prologue: the geography of the Indian Ocean and the navigation
    Part I. The Ancient Routes of Trade and Cultural Exchanges and the First States (6th–2nd Millenia BC): Introduction
    1. The birth of the state
    2. Early Bronze Age I in Western Asia and in Egypt (ca. 3000–2700 BC)
    3. Early Bronze Age II (ca. 2700–1950 BC)
    4. The new spaces of the Middle Bronze Age in Asia and in Egypt (ca. 2000–1750 BC)
    5. The Late Bronze Age (ca. 1600–1100 BC), an area unified around the Eastern Mediterranean
    6. East Asia. From villages to states (ca. 5000–1027 BC)
    7. The emergence of intermediary spaces
    Conclusion: were there world-systems during the Bronze Age?
    Part II. The Birth of the Afro-Eurasian World-System (1st Millennium BC–1st Century AD): Introduction
    8. The beginnings of the Iron Age
    9. The roads to the Orient
    10. India. The birth of a new core
    11. Southeast Asia, an interface between two Oceans
    12. China. From Kingdoms to Unification
    13. Arabia. Maritime cultures and the rise of the caravan trade
    14. East Africa: the emergence of a pre-Swahili culture on the Azanian Coast
    15. The Austronesian expansion and the first Malagasy cultures. Volume 2. Part I. The Indian Ocean between Tang China and the Muslim Empire (7th Through 10th Centuries)
    1. Tang China and the rise of the Silk Roads
    2. Islam. The conquest of lands and oceans
    3. India. A core with four centers
    4. Southeast Asia. The rise of the Sriwijayan Thalassocracy and the Javanese Kingdoms
    5. East Africa. Dawn of the Swahili culture
    6. Madagascar (7th Through 11th Centuries). Early Cultural MĂ©tissages
    Part II. Globalization during the Song and Mongol Periods (10th–14th centuries), and the downturn of the 14th century
    7. China. The golden age of the song, the Mongol conquest and the Ming revival
    8. India: from the Chola Empire to the Delhi sultanate
    9. Southeast Asia. From the decline of Sriwijaya to the rise of Mojopahit
    10. Central and Western Asia. From the Seljuk Empire to the Ilkhanids
    11. Egypt and Yemen. The Jewish and Karimi networks
    12. East Africa. The rise of the Swahili culture and the expansion of Islam
    13. Madagascar. The development of trading ports and the interior
    Part III. From the Globalization of the Afro-Eurasian Area to the Dawn of European Expansion (15th and Early 16th Centuries)
    14. Ming China, from expansion to withdrawal into threatened territory
    15. India. The flowering of the sultanates and the expansion of Vijayanâgara
    16. Southeast Asia: era of the merchant sultanates
    17 Western Asia: revival of the Persian Gulf
    18. Egypt and Yemen. Advances in state trade and the end of the Karimi
    19. East Africa and the Comoros
    20. Madagascar (15th–16th centuries): the rise of trading ports and development of the Highlands
    21. The Portuguese in the Indian Ocean

  • Author

    Philippe Beaujard, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris
    Philippe Beaujard is an Emeritus Director of Research at theCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut des Mondes Africains, Paris.

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