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After Marx

After Marx

Terence Ball, James Farr, William H. Shaw, Jon Elster, Richard W. Miller, Philippe Van Parijs, James Noble, Paul Thomas, C. B. Macpherson, Alan Gilbert, John E. Roemer, Terrell Carver
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  • Date Published: September 1984
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521276610


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About the Authors
  • These twelve original essays are 'after' Marx in several senses. The first and most obvious is the purely chronological sense: They are written one hundred years after Marx's death. The authors are therefore able to see more clearly what Marx did not or could not see and to see more clearly that which he foresaw only dimly. The second sense in which they are after Marx is political: In this century virtually all revolutionaries call themselves Marxists and purport to apply Marx's precepts to political practice. Armed with their different interpretations of a nineteenth-century theory, they have altered - and continue to reshape - the political contours of the twentieth century. Marx raised more questions than he, or anyone else, could ever reasonably hope to answer. To raise anew some of these questions and to approach them in the critical spirit of Marx's own thinking, are the common themes running through and uniting these essays.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: September 1984
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521276610
    • length: 300 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 17 mm
    • weight: 0.44kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Editor's introduction Terence Ball and James Farr
    Part I. History and Revolution:
    1. Marxism, revolution and rationality William H. Shaw
    2. Historical materialism and economic backwardness Jon Elster
    3. Producing change: work, technology and power in Marx's theory of history Richard W. Miller
    4. Marxism's central puzzle Philippe Van Parijs
    5. Marxian functionalism James Noble
    Part II. Morals and Politics:
    6. Alien politics: a Marxian perspective on citizenship and democracy Paul Thomas
    7. Democracy: utopian and scientific C. B. Macpherson
    8. Marx's moral realism: eudaimonism and moral progress Alan Gilbert
    9. Exploitation, class and property relations John E. Roemer
    Part III. Methodology and Criticism:
    10. Marx and positivism James Farr
    11. Marxian science and positivist politics Terence Ball
    12. Marxism as method Terrell Carver

  • Authors

    Terence Ball

    James Farr


    Terence Ball, James Farr, William H. Shaw, Jon Elster, Richard W. Miller, Philippe Van Parijs, James Noble, Paul Thomas, C. B. Macpherson, Alan Gilbert, John E. Roemer, Terrell Carver

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