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George Lawson's 'Politica' and the English Revolution

George Lawson's 'Politica' and the English Revolution

Part of Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History

  • Date Published: August 2002
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521522380


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About the Authors
  • This is the first full account, analysis and subsequent history of George Lawson's Politica, 1660–89. For long accepted as a significant figure, through his criticism of Hobbes and his possible influence on Locke, Lawson has never been studied in depth, nor has his biography been previously established. Professor Condren here provides the context and the analysis of Lawson's major work, in the process re-dating it and providing a quite different interpretation from previous readings. A substantial section is devoted to the history of the text and its use in controversies in the period 1660–89, and there is some reassessment of the relationship between Hobbes, Locke and Lawson. The study also uses Lawson's text to reopen questions about English seventeenth-century political theory in general, and to prefigure a theoretical study on metaphor and political conceptualisation. The book thus operates on a number of levels, philosophical and linguistic as well as historical.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: August 2002
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521522380
    • length: 232 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 153 x 17 mm
    • weight: 0.382kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Texts used and a concordance for the 'Politica'
    List of abbreviations
    Part I. Historiographical and Biographical Preliminaries:
    1. Historiography
    2. Biography
    Part II. An Exposition of Lawson's Politica:
    3. God and human society
    4. Community and political power
    5. The keys
    6. The limits of subjection
    Part III. An Examination of the Politica:
    7. Providence and rhetoric
    8. Community, representation and consent
    9. Settlement and resistance
    10. From Civil War to settlement
    Part IV. The Fate of the Politica from the Settlement to the Glorious Revolution:
    11. Lawson and Baxter
    12. Lawson and Hunfrey
    13. The Politica and the allegiance controversy
    14. Aftermath
    Part V. Conclusion:
    15. Between Hobbes and Locke
    16. Theory and historiography

  • Author

    Conal Condren

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