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Look Inside Geschichte des neueren Occultismus

Geschichte des neueren Occultismus
Geheimwissenschaftliche Systeme von Agrippa von Nettesheym bis zu Carl du Prel

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Spiritualism and Esoteric Knowledge

  • Date Published: March 2013
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108052726


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About the Authors
  • A leading German theosophical writer, Karl Kiesewetter (1854–95) produced a number of works on esotericism and occult beliefs and practices. This book, first published in 1891, remains one of the most extensive histories of modern esotericism. In his account of its development, Kiesewetter focuses on a number of historical figures who were, in his opinion, highly influential in the field. He discusses the Renaissance esotericism of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486–1535) and devotes much consideration to Paracelsus (1493–1541), whom he considers to be 'the Luther of medicine'. He also engages with the system of pneumatology developed by Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) and quotes extensively from the works of Jacob Böhme (1575–1624) and other German writers on pneumatology. Also included in this historical overview of modern occultism is the work of Andrew Jackson Davis (1826–1910), who was a leading figure within nineteenth-century American spiritualism.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: March 2013
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108052726
    • length: 822 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 46 mm
    • weight: 1.03kg
    • contains: 10 b/w illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheym und sein System
    2. Paracelsus und die Paracelsisten
    3. Facius und Hieronymus Cardanus, Joh. Bapt. a Porta, Giordano Bruno und Thomas Campanella
    4. Johann Baptista und Franz Mercurius van Helmont
    5. Robert Fludd und William Maxwell. Christian Thomasius. Joseph Glanvil, Richard Baxter und Augustin Calmet
    6. Emanuel Swedenborg
    7. Die deutschen Pneumatologen: Jacob Böhme, Chr. Fr. Detinger, H. Jung-Stilling, C. von Eckartshausen, G. C. Horst, J. F. von Meyer, C. A. von Eschenmayer, G. H. von Schubert, J. Kerner, J. Görres, J. Ennemoser
    8. Andrew Jackson Davis, Allan Kardec und die spiritistische Bewegung seit dem Jahre 1848
    9. Die Vertreter der Theorie von der psychischen Kraft: Vorgeschichte dieser Theorie, Dr Bruno Schindler, William Crookes, Eduard Cox, Dr G. C. Wittig, Dr Eduard von Hartmann
    10. Stellungnahme Alexander Aksakows
    11. Maximilian Perty. Alfred Russel Wallace. Friedrich Zöllner
    12. Lazar von Hellenbach
    13. Carl du Prel.

  • Author

    Karl Kiesewetter

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