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Look Inside The Works of Thomas Carlyle

The Works of Thomas Carlyle

Volume 11. The Life of John Sterling

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - The Works of Carlyle

  • Date Published: November 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108022347


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About the Authors
  • Thomas Carlyle (1795–1881) was one of the most influential authors of the nineteenth century. Eagerly studied at the highest level of intellectual society, his satirical essays and perceptive historical biographies caused him to be regarded for much of the Victorian period as a literary genius and eminent social philosopher. After graduating from Edinburgh University in 1814, he published his first scholarly work on German literature in 1824, before finding literary success with his ground-breaking history of the French Revolution in 1837. After falling from favour during the first part of the twentieth century, his work has more recently become the subject of scholarly re-examination. His introduction of German literature and philosophy into the British intellectual milieu profoundly influenced later philosophical ideas and literary studies. These volumes are reproduced from the 1896 Centenary Edition of his collected works. Volume 11 contains his biography of author John Sterling.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: November 2010
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108022347
    • length: 298 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 21 mm
    • weight: 0.59kg
    • contains: 1 b/w illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I:
    1. Introductory
    2. Birth and parentage
    3. Schools: Llanblethian, Paris, London
    4. Universities: Glasgow, Cambridge
    5. A profession
    6. Literature: the Athenaeum
    7. Regent Street
    8. Coleridge
    9. Spanish exiles
    10. Torrijos
    11. Marriage: ill-health, West Indies
    12. Island of St. Vincent
    13. A catastrophe
    14. Pause
    15. Bonn, Herstmonceux
    Part II:
    1. Curate
    2. Not curate
    3. Bayswater
    4. To Bordeaux
    5. To Madeira
    6. Literature: the Sterling Club
    7. Italy
    Part III:
    1. Clifton
    2. Two winters
    3. Falmouth: poems
    4. Naples: poems
    5. Disaster on disaster
    6. Ventnor: death
    7. Conclusion

  • Author

    Thomas Carlyle


    Henry Duff Traill

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