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The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas

The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas

Volume 3. South America

Part 1

Part of The Cambridge history of the Native Peoples of the Americas

Frank Salomon, Stuart Schwartz, Robin Wright, Luis Lumbreras, Luis Miguel Glave, Neil Whitehead, Juan Carlos Garavaglia, Jonathan Hill, Thierry Saignes, Brooke Larson, Sabine MacCormack, Thomas Lynch, Anna C. Roosevelt, Izumi Shimada, Juan and Judith Villamarin, Louis Allaire, Mario Rivera, Craig Morris, Maria Rostworowski de Diez Canseco, Karen Spalding, John Monteiro, Kristine Jones, A. C. Taylor, James Saeger, Mauela Carneiro da Cunha, Xavier Albo, David Maybury-Lewis
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  • Date Published: March 2000
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9780521630757


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About the Authors
  • This volume, part of the Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas, is the first major survey of research on the indigenous peoples of South America from the earliest peopling of the continent to the present since Julian Steward's Handbook of South American Indians was published half a century ago. Although this volume concentrates on continental South America, peoples in the Caribbean and lower Central America who were linguistically or culturally connected are also discussed. This volume is an 'idea-oriented history', emphasizing the development of general themes instead of presenting every group and society. Indigenous peoples' own stories of the past are used as well as the standard accounts written by outsiders. Research is presented following regional and conceptual frameworks; some chapters overlap or present differing interpretations. The volume's emphasis is on self-perceptions of the indigenous peoples of South America at various times and under differing situations.

    • First comprehensive history of native peoples living in South America to be published in 50 years
    • Includes multiple perspectives, provided by authors of different backgrounds and indigenous people's own stories
    • Emphasizes indigenous people's perceptions of themselves
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'The Cambridge History is an intensely academic publication whose conception, structure and coverage make it a benchmark for future work. … rich store of information and insight … No one interested or involved in indigenous South America can afford to ignore such a prodigious feat of modern scholarship.' The Times Higher

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    Product details

    • Date Published: March 2000
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9780521630757
    • length: 1070 pages
    • dimensions: 236 x 161 x 65 mm
    • weight: 1.595kg
    • contains: 7 b/w illus. 6 maps
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Introduction Frank Salomon and Stuart Schwartz
    1. Testimonies: the making and reading of native South American historical sources
    2. Ethnography in South America: the first two hundred years
    3. The earliest South American lifeways
    4. The maritime, highland, forest dynamic and the origins of complex culture
    5. The evolution of Andean diversity: regional formations, 500 BCE–600 CE
    6. Andean urbanism and statecraft, 550–1450 CE
    7. Chiefdoms: the prevalence and persistance of 'Señorios Naturales', 1400 to European conquest
    8. Archaeology of the Caribbean region
    9. Pre-history of the Southern Cone
    10. The fourfold domain: Inka power and its social foundations
    11. The crises and transformations of invaded societies: the Caribbean, 1492–1580
    12. The crises and transformations of invaded societies, 1500–1580: Andean area
    13. The crises and transformations of invaded societies: Coastal Brazil in the sixteenth century
    14. The crises and transformations of invaded societies in the La Plata Basin (1535–1650)
    15. The colonial condition in the Quechua-Aymara heartland, 1570–1780
    16. Warfare, reorganization, and readaptation at the margins of Spanish rule: the Southern margin (1573–1882)
    17. The Western margins of Amazonia from the early sixteenth to the early nineteenth century.

  • Editors

    Frank Salomon, University of Wisconsin, Madison

    Stuart B. Schwartz, Yale University, Connecticut


    Frank Salomon, Stuart Schwartz, Robin Wright, Luis Lumbreras, Luis Miguel Glave, Neil Whitehead, Juan Carlos Garavaglia, Jonathan Hill, Thierry Saignes, Brooke Larson, Sabine MacCormack, Thomas Lynch, Anna C. Roosevelt, Izumi Shimada, Juan and Judith Villamarin, Louis Allaire, Mario Rivera, Craig Morris, Maria Rostworowski de Diez Canseco, Karen Spalding, John Monteiro, Kristine Jones, A. C. Taylor, James Saeger, Mauela Carneiro da Cunha, Xavier Albo, David Maybury-Lewis

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