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Look Inside Zwei Jahre unter den Indianern

Zwei Jahre unter den Indianern
Reisen in Nordwest-Brasilien 1903/1905

Volume 1

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Linguistics

  • Date Published: February 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108007429


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About the Authors
  • This two-volume work by Theodor Koch-Grünberg (1872–1924), director of the Ethnographical Museum in Berlin, tells the story of his major expedition to North-West Brazil and describes the indigenous tribes and the local geography. In contrast to Koch-Grünberg's many monographs and essays on the same subject (listed in his Foreword), this book is directed at a lay readership. Koch-Grünberg states his aim of correcting a false impression of the indigenous peoples drawn from 'novels about Indians read during one's youth' and the accounts of his explorations are permeated by a deeply-held respect for the humanity he encounters. Although its primary interest to scholars lies in its anthropological and ethnographical content, the text is full of botanical, geographical and linguistic detail, interspersed with photographs taken by the author. Volume 1, published in 1909, covers the author's travels from Pará to São Felippe.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: February 2010
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108007429
    • length: 400 pages
    • dimensions: 244 x 170 x 21 mm
    • weight: 0.64kg
    • contains: 239 b/w illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Pará und Manaos
    2. Dampferfarht auf dem Rio Negro bis Trindade
    3. Mit Ruderbooten durch die Stromschnellen
    4. Reise den Rio Icana aufwärts bis Tunuhy
    5. Zu den Huhuteni und Siusi am Aiary
    6. Aufenthalt in Cururu-cuara
    7. Tanzfest in Atiaru und die letzten Tage in Cururu-cuara
    8. Jagdwaffen und Jagd am Aiary
    9. Die Kaua des oberen Aiary und ihre Maskentänze
    10 Über Lnd zum Caiary-Uaupes und zurück zum Aiary
    11. Krankheit, Tod, Begräbnis, Hochzeit bei den Siusi
    12. Zurück nach São Felippe
    13. Besteigung des Cuicuiary-Gebirges
    14. Bei den Tukano am Rio Tiquie
    15. Bei den Tuyuka und Bara
    16. Aufenthalt in Pary-Cachoeira und Rückreise nach São Felippe.

  • Author

    Theodor Koch-Grünberg

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