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The Rise of the Standard Model

The Rise of the Standard Model
A History of Particle Physics from 1964 to 1979

Laurie M. Brown, Michael Riordan, Max Dresden, Lillian Hoddeson, Steven Weinberg, J. L. Heilbron, Gerson Goldhaber, Martin Perl, Leon M. Lederman, James Cronin, Makoto Kobayashi, Martinus Veltman, Gerard 't Hooft, David Gross, Leonard Susskind, Alexander Polyakov, Dmitrij V. Shirkov, Burton Richter, Kjell Johnsen, Roy Schwitters, Peter Galison, Robert R. Wilson, Adrienne Kolb, Catherine Westfall, Mark Bodnarczuk, John Krige, Sidney Bludman, Melvin Schwartz, Donald Perkins, John Iliopoulos, Charles Prescott, Robert Brout, Tian Yu Cao, Peter Higgs, Yoichiro Nambu, Nicholas Samios, Harry Lipkin, Giacomo Morpugo, Jerome Friedman, James Bjorken, Sau Lan Wu, Murray Gell-Mann, Paul Teller, Michael Redhead, Silvan Schweber
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  • Date Published: December 1997
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521578165


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About the Authors
  • Editors Laurie Brown, Max Dresden, Lillian Hoddeson and Michael Riordan have brought together a distinguished group of elementary particle physicists and historians of science to explore the recent history of particle physics. Based on a conference held at Stanford University, this is the third volume of a series recounting the history of particle physics and offers the most up-to-date account of the rise of the Standard Model, which explains the microstructure of the world in terms of quarks and leptons and their interactions. Major contributors include Steven Weinberg, Murray Gell-Mann, Michael Redhead, Silvan Schweber, Leon Lederman and John Heilbron. The wide-ranging articles explore the detailed scientific experiments, the institutional settings in which they took place, and the ways in which the many details of the puzzle fit together to account for the Standard Model.

    • Treats all phases - theoretical and experimental - of modern elementary particle physics
    • Physicists and historians of science collaborate throughout
    • Combined with two earlier volumes, offers complete history of particle physics in twentieth century
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    Reviews & endorsements

    '… a beautifully produced collection of essays by most of the leading scientists involved - including no fewer than eight Nobel laureates - and several eminent historians … both practitioners and knowledgeable bystanders can draw inspiration from these reflections on what may turn out to have been the golden age of particle physics.' Graham Farmelo, New Scientist

    'The volume is informative and useful to historians of physics.' Helge Kragh, Centaurus

    '… this book is … worthwhile , timely and valuable.' R. Barlow, European Journal of Physics

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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 1997
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521578165
    • length: 748 pages
    • dimensions: 236 x 160 x 45 mm
    • weight: 1.177kg
    • contains: 102 b/w illus. 2 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Editors' acknowledgements
    Photographs of the symposium
    Abbreviations and acronyms
    Mathematical notation
    Part I. Introduction:
    1. The rise of the standard model:
    1964–1979 Laurie M. Brown, Michael Riordan, Max Dresden, and Lillian Hoddeson
    2. Changing attitudes and the standard model Steven Weinberg
    3. Two previous standard models J. L. Heilbron
    Part II. Quarks and Leptons:
    4. From the psi to charmed mesons: three years with the SLAC-LBL detector at SPEAR Gerson Goldhaber
    5. The discovery of the tau lepton Martin Perl
    6. The discovery of the upsilon, bottom quark and B mesons Leon M. Lederman
    7. The discovery of CP violation James Cronin
    8. Flavor mixing and CP violation Makoto Kobayashi
    Part III. Toward Gauge Theories:
    9. The path to renormalizability Martinus Veltman
    10. Renormalization of gauge theories Gerard 't Hooft
    11. Asymptotic freedom and the emergence of QCD David Gross
    12. Quark confinement Leonard Susskind
    13. A view from the island Alexander Polyakov
    14. On the early days of the renormalization group Dmitrij V. Shirkov
    Part IV. Accelerators, Detectors, and Laboratories:
    15. The rise of colliding beams Burton Richter
    16. The CERN intersecting storage rings: the leap into the hadron collider era Kjell Johnsen
    17. Development of large detectors for colliding-beam experiments Roy Schwitters
    18. Pure and hybrid detectors: mark I and the psi Peter Galison
    19. Building fermilab: a user's paradise Robert R. Wilson and Adrienne Kolb
    20. Panel session: science policy and the social structure of big laboratories Catherine Westfall
    21. Some sociological consequences of high-energy physicists' development of the standard model Mark Bodnarczuk
    22. Comments on accelerators, detectors, and laboratories John Krige
    Part V. Electroweak Unification:
    23. The first gauge theory of the weak interactions Sidney Bludman
    24. The early history of high-energy neutrino physics Melvin Schwartz
    25. Gargamelle and the discovery of neutral currents Donald Perkins
    26. What a fourth quark can do John Iliopoulos
    27. Weak-electromagnetic interference in polarized electron-deuteron scattering Charles Prescott
    28. Panel session: spontaneous breaking of symmetry Laurie M. Brown, Robert Brout, Tian Yu Cao, Peter Higgs, and Yoichiro Nambu
    Part VI. The Discovery of Quarks and Gluons:
    29. Early baryon and meson spectroscopy culminating in the discovery of the omega-minus and charmed baryons Nicholas Samios
    30. Quark models and quark phenomenology Harry Lipkin
    31. From the nonrelativistic quark model to QCD and back Giacomo Morpurgo
    32. Deep-inelastic scattering and the discovery of quarks Jerome Friedman
    33. Deep-inelastic scattering: from current algebra to partons James Bjorken
    34. Hadron jets and the discovery of the gluon Sau Lan Wu
    Part VII. Personal Overviews:
    35. Quarks, color, and QCD Murray Gell-Mann
    36. The philosopher problem Paul Teller
    37. Should we believe in quarks and QCD? Michael Redhead
    38. A historical perspective on the rise of the standard model Silvan Schweber

  • Editors

    Lillian Hoddeson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

    Laurie Brown, Northwestern University, Illinois

    Michael Riordan, Stanford University, California

    Max Dresden, Stanford University, California


    Laurie M. Brown, Michael Riordan, Max Dresden, Lillian Hoddeson, Steven Weinberg, J. L. Heilbron, Gerson Goldhaber, Martin Perl, Leon M. Lederman, James Cronin, Makoto Kobayashi, Martinus Veltman, Gerard 't Hooft, David Gross, Leonard Susskind, Alexander Polyakov, Dmitrij V. Shirkov, Burton Richter, Kjell Johnsen, Roy Schwitters, Peter Galison, Robert R. Wilson, Adrienne Kolb, Catherine Westfall, Mark Bodnarczuk, John Krige, Sidney Bludman, Melvin Schwartz, Donald Perkins, John Iliopoulos, Charles Prescott, Robert Brout, Tian Yu Cao, Peter Higgs, Yoichiro Nambu, Nicholas Samios, Harry Lipkin, Giacomo Morpugo, Jerome Friedman, James Bjorken, Sau Lan Wu, Murray Gell-Mann, Paul Teller, Michael Redhead, Silvan Schweber

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