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Look Inside First Part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas

First Part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas

Volume 1

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Hakluyt First Series

  • Date Published: April 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108010450


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About the Authors
  • The publications of the Hakluyt Society (founded in 1846) made available edited (and sometimes translated) early accounts of exploration. The first series, which ran from 1847 to 1899, consists of 100 books containing published or previously unpublished works by authors from Christopher Columbus to Sir Francis Drake, and covering voyages to the New World, to China and Japan, to Russia and to Africa and India. Volume 1 of this 1869 English translation contains Books 1-4 of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas by Garcilaso de la Vega (1539–1616), the son of a Spanish soldier and an Inca princess. Brought up to speak Quechua as well as Spanish, Garcilaso had access through his mother's family to the history and traditions of the Incas, which he recorded in Part 1 of the Royal Commentaries. The posthumously-published Part 2, on the Spanish conquest of Peru, is not included here.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: April 2010
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108010450
    • length: 388 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 22 mm
    • weight: 0.49kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Book I:
    1. Whether there are many worlds
    2. Whether there are antipodes
    3. How the new world was discovered
    4. The derivation of the word Peru
    5. Authorities in confirmation of the name Peru
    6. What a certain author says touching this name of Peru
    7. Of other derivations of new words
    8. The description of Peru
    9. Of the idolatry of the Indians
    10. Of many other gods that they had
    11. Of the manner of their sacrifices
    12. Concerning the mode of life and government of the ancient people
    13. How they dressed in those ancient times
    14. Different modes of marriage, and divers languages
    15. The origin of the Yncas kings of Peru
    16. The founding of Cuzco, the imperial city
    17. Of the country which was brought under the rule of the Ynca Manco Ccapac
    18. Of fabulous accounts of the origin of the Yncas
    19. Protest of the author touching the history
    20. The villages which the first Ynca ordered to be founded
    21. The things which the Ynca taught to his vassals
    22. The honourable badges which the Ynca gave to his followers
    23. Of other fashions, and of the name of Ynca
    24. Names by which the Indians knew their king
    25. Of the will and death of the Ynca Manco Ccapac
    26. Of the royal names and their meanings
    Book II. 1. Of the idolatry of the second age, and of its origin
    2. The Yncas sought the true God Our Lord
    3. The Yncas kept a cross in a sacred place
    4. Of many gods improperly attributed to the Indians by the Spanish historians
    5. Of many other meanings of the word Huaca
    6. What an author says concerning their gods
    7. They knew of the immortality of the soul, and of the general resurrection
    8. Of the things that they sacrificed to the sky
    9. Of the priests, rites, and ceremonies, and of the laws attributed to the first Ynca
    10. The author collates his own statements with those of the Spanish historians
    11. They divided the empire into four districts, and registered their vassals
    12. Two duties which the decurions performed
    13. Concerning certain laws that the Yncas instituted in their government
    14. The decurions gave an account of the births and deaths
    15. The Indians deny that an Ynca of the blood royal has ever committed any crime whatever
    16. The life and acts of Sinchi Roca the second king of the Ynca dynasty
    17. Lloque Yupanqui, third king, and the meaning of his name
    18. Two conquests made by the Ynca Lloque Yupanqui
    19. The conquests of Hatun-Colla, and the origin of the Collas
    20. The great province of Chucuitu is reduced
    21. The sciences which the Yncas had acquired
    22. They understood the measurement of the year, and the solstices and equinoxes
    23. They observed the eclipses of the sun, and what they did when those of the moon occurred
    24. The medicines they used, and their manner of effecting cures
    25. Of the medicinal herbs they used
    26. Of their knowledge touching geometry, arithmetic, and music
    27. The poetry of the Yncas Amautas, who are philosophers, and haravicus or poets
    28. Of the few instruments which the Indians used for various purposes
    Book III:
    1. Mayta Ccapac, the fourth Ynca, annexes Tiahuanaca
    2. Hatunpacasa is reduced, and they conquer Cac-Yaviri
    3. The Indians who surrendered are pardoned
    4. They reduce three provinces and conquer others
    5. The Ynca acquires three new provinces
    6. Those of Huaychu submit, and are mercifully pardoned
    7. They reduce many towns
    8. Many nations are reduced to submission by the fame of the bridge
    9. The Ynca acquires many other great provinces, and dies in peace
    10. Ccapac Yupanqui, the fifth king, gains many provinces in Cunti-Suyu
    11. The conquest of the Aymaras
    12. The Ynca sends an army to conquer the Quechuas
    13. They conquer many valleys on the sea coast
    14. Two great curacas refer their differences to the Ynca, and become his subjects
    15. They make a bridge over the Desaguadero

  • Author

    Garcillasso de la Vega


    Clements R. Markham

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