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Look Inside The State, the Financial System and Economic Modernization

The State, the Financial System and Economic Modernization

Richard Sylla, Richard Tilly, Gabriel Tortella, François Crouzet, Herman van der Wee, Monique van der Wee-Verbreyt, P. L. Cottrell, Lucy Newton, Forrest Capie, Peter Hertner, Boris Anan'ich, Roberto Cortés Conde, Mira Wilkins
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  • Date Published: July 2007
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521037983


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About the Authors
  • Through an examination of a wide variety of financial systems in Europe, and North and South America over approximately 150 years of change, this book demonstrates the key role that finance has played in economic change, and in the development of diverse financial systems. Insights into the primacy of the state's role in the financial development of the pre-industrial era have not been carried over into the historiography of the industrial era itself, so the discoveries detailed in this book have never been brought together in a systematic manner. This book therefore aims to demonstrate through comparative historical analysis, the richness of the history of modern financial systems, and to restore the state to its primary role in the shaping of those systems. This book makes an interesting contribution to financial historiography, thus will be of interest to economists and financial, economic and world historians.

    • A coherent and systematic treatment of insights into the emergence and development of diverse financial systems
    • Discusses the financial systems of a number of countries' economies, e.g. England and Wales, Italy, Spain, Belgium, France, Germany, Russia, Argentina and the United States
    • While the book looks at individual countries, general themes which emerge are also lifted out and discussed
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    Product details

    • Date Published: July 2007
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521037983
    • length: 312 pages
    • dimensions: 228 x 151 x 18 mm
    • weight: 0.474kg
    • contains: 11 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    List of figures
    List of tables
    List of contributors
    1. Introduction: comparative historical perspectives Richard Sylla, Richard Tilly and Gabriel Tortella
    2. Politics and banking in revolutionary and Napoleonic France François Crouzet
    3. Belgian banking in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the Société Générale and the Générale de Banque (1822–1997) Herman van der Wee and Monique van der Wee-Verbreyt
    4. Banking liberalization in England and Wales, 1826–44 P. L. Cottrell and Lucy Newton
    5. Banking in Europe in the nineteenth century: the role of the central bank Forrest Capie
    6. Public policy, capital markets and the supply of industrial finance in nineteenth-century Germany Richard Tilly
    7. The role of banks and government in Spanish economic development, 1850–1935 Gabriel Tortella
    8. Central banking and German-style mixed banking in Italy, 1893/5–1914: from coexistence to cooperation Peter Hertner
    9. State power and finance in Russia, 1802–1917: the Credit Office of the Finance Ministry and governmental control over credit institutions Boris Anan'ich
    10. The origins of banking in Argentina Roberto Cortés Conde
    11. Shaping the US financial system, 1690–1913: the dominant role of public finance Richard Sylla
    12. Cosmopolitan finance in the 1920s: New York's emergence as an international financial centre Mira Wilkins

  • Editors

    Richard Sylla, New York University

    Richard Tilly, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany

    Gabriel Tortella, Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid


    Richard Sylla, Richard Tilly, Gabriel Tortella, François Crouzet, Herman van der Wee, Monique van der Wee-Verbreyt, P. L. Cottrell, Lucy Newton, Forrest Capie, Peter Hertner, Boris Anan'ich, Roberto Cortés Conde, Mira Wilkins

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