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The Cambridge History of Japan

The Cambridge History of Japan
6 Volume Set

Part of The Cambridge History of Japan

Volume 1: Preface; Maps; Chronology; Introduction Delmer M. Brown; 1. The earliest societies in Japan J. Edward Kidder Jr.; 2. The Yamato kingdom Delmer M. Brown; 3. The century of reform Inoue Mitsusada and Delmer M. Brown; 4. The Nara state Naoki Kojiro (translated by Felicia G. Bock); 5. Japan and the continent Okazaki Takashi (translated by Janet Goodwin); 6. Early kami worship Matsumae Takeshi (translated by Janet Goodwin); 7. Early Buddha worship Sonoda Koyu and Delmer M. Brown; 8. Nara economic and social institutions Torao Toshiya (translated by William Wayne Farris); 9. Asuka and Nara culture: literacy, literature, and music Edwin A. Cranston; 10. The early evolution of historical consciousness Delmer M. Brown. Volume 2: Introduction; 1. The Heian court, 794–1070 William H. McCullough; 2. The capital and its society William H. McCullough; 3. Land and society Dana Morris; 4. Provincial administration and land tenure in Early Heian Cornelius J. Kiley; 5. Chinese learning and intellectual life Marian Ury; 6. Aristocratic culture Helen Craig McCullough; 7. Aristocratic Buddhism Stanley Weinstein; 8. Religious practices Allan G. Grapard; 9. Insei G. Cameron Hurst III; 10. The rise of the warriors Rizo Takeuchi. Volume 3: Introduction Kozo Yamamura; 1. The Kamakura Bakufu Jeffrey P. Mass; 2. Medieval shoen Oyama Kyohei, Ishii Susumu; 4. The Muromachi bakufu John Whitney Hall, Imatani Akira, Nagahara Keiji, Nagahara Keiji, Kozo Yamamura, Kawazoe Shoji, H. Paul Varley, Barbara Ruch, Osumi Kazuo, Martin Collcutt, John Whitney Hall, Asao Naohiro, Wakita Osamu, John Whitney Hall, Harold Bolitho, George Elison, George Elison, Bito Masahide, Tsuji Tatsuya, Furushima Toshio, Nakai Nobuhiko, James L. McClain, Tetsuo Najita, Susan B. Hanley, Donald B. Shiveley, Marius B. Jansen, Harold Bolitho, H. D. Harootunian, W. G. Beasley, Marius B. Jansen, Stephen Vlastos, Hirakawa Sukehiro, Gilbert Rozman, E. Sydney Crawcour, Kenneth B. Pyle, Akira Iriye, Peter Duus, Taichiro Mitani, Gordon M. Berger, Haruhiro Fukui, Mark R. Peattie, Ikuhiko Hata, Alvin D. Coox, E. Sydney Crawcour, Takafusa Nakamura, Yutaka Kosai, Ann Waswo, Koji Taira, Tetsuo Najita
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  • Date Published: September 1999
  • availability: Temporarily unavailable - available from TBC
  • format: Multiple copy pack
  • isbn: 9780521657280

Multiple copy pack

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About the Authors
  • The Cambridge History of Japan is the first major collaborative synthesis to present the current state of knowledge of Japanese history for the English-reading world. The series draws on the expertise and research of leading Japanese specialists as well as the foremost Western historians of Japan. From prehistory to the present day, the series encompasses the events and developments in Japanese polity, economy, culture, religion and foreign affairs. In the distinguished tradition of Cambridge histories, the completed series provides an indispensable reference tool for all students and scholars of Japan and the Far East.

    • The most comprehensive and detailed history of Japan in any Western language
    • Written by leading Japanese and Western scholars
    • Now complete and available as a set
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    Product details

    • Date Published: September 1999
    • format: Multiple copy pack
    • isbn: 9780521657280
    • length: 4740 pages
    • dimensions: 325 x 235 x 127 mm
    • weight: 7.37kg
    • availability: Temporarily unavailable - available from TBC
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Domestic Politics
    Part II. External Relations
    Part III. Economic Development
    Part IV. Social and Intellectual Change.

  • Editors

    John Whitney Hall

    Marius B. Jansen

    Madoka Kanai

    Denis Twitchett


    Volume 1: Preface; Maps; Chronology; Introduction Delmer M. Brown; 1. The earliest societies in Japan J. Edward Kidder Jr.; 2. The Yamato kingdom Delmer M. Brown; 3. The century of reform Inoue Mitsusada and Delmer M. Brown; 4. The Nara state Naoki Kojiro (translated by Felicia G. Bock); 5. Japan and the continent Okazaki Takashi (translated by Janet Goodwin); 6. Early kami worship Matsumae Takeshi (translated by Janet Goodwin); 7. Early Buddha worship Sonoda Koyu and Delmer M. Brown; 8. Nara economic and social institutions Torao Toshiya (translated by William Wayne Farris); 9. Asuka and Nara culture: literacy, literature, and music Edwin A. Cranston; 10. The early evolution of historical consciousness Delmer M. Brown. Volume 2: Introduction; 1. The Heian court, 794–1070 William H. McCullough; 2. The capital and its society William H. McCullough; 3. Land and society Dana Morris; 4. Provincial administration and land tenure in Early Heian Cornelius J. Kiley; 5. Chinese learning and intellectual life Marian Ury; 6. Aristocratic culture Helen Craig McCullough; 7. Aristocratic Buddhism Stanley Weinstein; 8. Religious practices Allan G. Grapard; 9. Insei G. Cameron Hurst III; 10. The rise of the warriors Rizo Takeuchi. Volume 3: Introduction Kozo Yamamura; 1. The Kamakura Bakufu Jeffrey P. Mass; 2. Medieval shoen Oyama Kyohei, Ishii Susumu; 4. The Muromachi bakufu John Whitney Hall, Imatani Akira, Nagahara Keiji, Nagahara Keiji, Kozo Yamamura, Kawazoe Shoji, H. Paul Varley, Barbara Ruch, Osumi Kazuo, Martin Collcutt, John Whitney Hall, Asao Naohiro, Wakita Osamu, John Whitney Hall, Harold Bolitho, George Elison, George Elison, Bito Masahide, Tsuji Tatsuya, Furushima Toshio, Nakai Nobuhiko, James L. McClain, Tetsuo Najita, Susan B. Hanley, Donald B. Shiveley, Marius B. Jansen, Harold Bolitho, H. D. Harootunian, W. G. Beasley, Marius B. Jansen, Stephen Vlastos, Hirakawa Sukehiro, Gilbert Rozman, E. Sydney Crawcour, Kenneth B. Pyle, Akira Iriye, Peter Duus, Taichiro Mitani, Gordon M. Berger, Haruhiro Fukui, Mark R. Peattie, Ikuhiko Hata, Alvin D. Coox, E. Sydney Crawcour, Takafusa Nakamura, Yutaka Kosai, Ann Waswo, Koji Taira, Tetsuo Najita

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