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The Mathematical Theory of Non-uniform Gases

The Mathematical Theory of Non-uniform Gases
An Account of the Kinetic Theory of Viscosity, Thermal Conduction and Diffusion in Gases

Part of Cambridge Mathematical Library

  • Date Published: February 1991
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521408448


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About the Authors
  • This classic book, now re-issued in paperback, presents a detailed account of the mathematical theory of viscosity, thermal conduction and diffusion in non-uniform gases based on the solution of the Maxwell–Boltzmann equations. The theory of Chapman and Enskog, describing work on dense gases, quantum theory of collisions and the theory of conduction and diffusion in ionized gases in the presence of electric and magnetic fields, is extended in the later chapters. The third edition was first published in 1970 and included revisions to take account of extensions of the theory to fresh molecular models and of new methods used in discussing dense gases and plasmas. This reprint will therefore be of value to mathematicians, theoretical physicists and chemical engineers interested in gas theory and its applications.

    • Classic monograph
    • Renewed interest now due to gas dynamics for high speed planes, and desire for increased knowledge about atmosphere
    • New foreword by Cercigniani, a leading industrial & applied mathematician
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    Product details

    • Date Published: February 1991
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521408448
    • length: 448 pages
    • dimensions: 231 x 154 x 28 mm
    • weight: 0.66kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Vectors and tensors
    2. Properties of a gas: definitions and theorems
    3. The equations of Boltzmann and Maxwell
    4. Boltzmann's H-theorem and the Maxwellian velocity-distribution
    5. The free path, the collision-frequency and persistence of velocities
    6. Elementary theories of the transport phenomena
    7. The non-uniform state for a simple gas
    8. The non-uniform state for a binary gas-mixture
    9. Viscosity, thermal conduction, and diffusion: general expressions
    10. Viscosity, thermal conduction, and diffusion: theoretical formulae for special molecular models
    11. Molecules with internal energy
    Viscosity: comparison of theory with experiment
    13. Thermal conductivity: comparison of theory with experiment
    14. Diffusion: comparison of theory with experiment
    15. The third approximation to the velocity-distribution function
    16. Dense gases
    17. Quantum theory and the transport phenomena
    18. Multiple gas mixtures
    19. Electromagnetic phenomena in ionized gases
    Historical summary
    Name index
    Subject index
    References to numerical data for particular gases (simple and mixed).

  • Authors

    Sydney Chapman, University of Alaska, Fairbanks

    T. G. Cowling, University of Leeds


    C. Cercignani

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