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The Science and Application of Positive Psychology

  • Date Published: December 2021
  • availability: In stock
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108460835


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About the Authors
  • Positive psychology tackles the big questions: What does it mean to live a 'good life'? What helps people to flourish and access their optimal potential? And how can we increase our capacities for joy, meaning, and hope? This engaging textbook emphasizes the science of positive psychology - students don't simply learn about positive psychology in the abstract, but instead are exposed to the fascinating research that supports its conclusions.Bridging theory and practice, this textbook connects up-to-date research with real-world examples and guides students to apply evidence-based practices in their own lives. Its comprehensive coverage includes major new topics, such as spirituality, therapeutic interventions, mindfulness, and positive relationships. Featured pedagogy includes 'Are You Sure about That?' boxes presenting methodological and statistical principles in context, and 'Practice Positive Psychology' activities to extend student learning, while online resources include lecture slides, a test bank, and an instructor manual.

    • Science based and including the most up-to-date and relevant research
    • Chapter opening vignettes provide case studies of the chapter topic, bringing psychological constructs to life for students
    • Comprehensive coverage, featuring major new topics such as spirituality, multicultural and societal perspectives, therapeutic interventions, mindfulness, and positive relationships
    • 'Are You Sure About That' boxes are included throughout to connect methodological and statistical principles to specific examples, ensuring that students learn these important yet difficult concepts in context
    • Intersectionality is a priority, with culture and diversity woven throughout and each chapter including a section that explores the topic at hand specifically through a cultural lens.
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'Cheavens and Feldman are experts and provide an accessible yet thorough overview of the rapidly expanding field of positive psychology. This textbook will be a valuable resource for educators interested in teaching positive psychology, as well as researchers and clinicians who want to learn more about the current state of the field. The textbook highlights many of the myths and misunderstandings of positive psychology, and it also provides valuable exercises to help readers to understand how to apply the science of positive psychology in their own lives.' Matthew W. Gallagher, University of Houston

    'Cheavens and Feldman have created a delicious positive psychology textbook to be savored. Their approach adeptly reinforces the importance of the scientific method in understanding what we know about the pursuit of happiness, which builds students' appreciation for the value of thinking like a psychologist. The scholarship is crisply current and reflects careful consideration of cultural and diversity concerns. Their recommended applications are straightforward and practical. It is a textbook I wish I had written.' Jane S. Halonen, University of West Florida

    'This fascinating, comprehensive textbook integrates in-depth and up-to-date scientific approaches to theory, research, and intervention on human psychological strengths and thriving. The book presents personal, interpersonal, and ecological aspects in an inviting, interesting, practical, and thought-provoking way. The motivating exercises at the chapters' conclusions support the students' thorough comprehension of the theories and research.' Malka Margalit, Tel Aviv University

    'Cheavens and Feldman have created a readable, memorable text that offers the perfect blend of scientific background and practical application of skills. The book targets an undergraduate audience who may be entering a positive psychology course with very little (if any) previous exposure to psychological science. Students who read this text will come away with new knowledge, better critical thinking skills, and enhanced well-being as a result of the evidence-based, meaningful content Cheavens and Feldman present.' Jennifer L. Price, Georgetown College

    'This outstanding text comes at a crucial time for the field of positive psychology and provides a comprehensive survey of the current state of the science. Written in an engaging and critical style, this book will help readers to distinguish between the reliable facts of science and the vapid conjecture of pop psychology. Students and scholars alike will want a copy.' Kevin L. Rand, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis

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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 2021
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108460835
    • length: 480 pages
    • dimensions: 246 x 189 x 20 mm
    • weight: 1.02kg
    • availability: In stock
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Introduction to the Field
    1. What Is Positive Psychology and Why Do We Need It?
    2. Myths and Misunderstandings about the Science of Positive Psychology
    Part II. Positive Feelings and States
    3. Positive Emotional Experiences
    4. Transcendence: Meaning, Purpose, Spirituality, and Religion
    5. Present-Moment Focus: Mindfulness, Savoring, and Flow
    Part III. Achievement and Personal Goals
    6. Talent and Giftedness
    7. Looking to the Future: Goals, Optimism, and Hope
    Part IV. Personal Strengths and Psychological Assets
    8. Virtues, Values, and Character Strengths
    9. Successful Aging
    Part V. Successful and Satisfying Relationships
    10. Love and Relationships
    11. Perspective-Taking: Gratitude and Forgiveness
    12. Prosocial Behavior
    13. Happiness and Success at Work: Positive Psychology in the Office and Beyond
    14. Positive Mental Health: Interventions and Initiatives

  • Authors

    Jennifer S. Cheavens, Ohio State University
    Jennifer S. Cheavens, Professor of Psychology at The Ohio State University, is a teacher and scholar with expertise in positive psychology, particularly hope and gratitude. Dr. Cheavens was awarded the inaugural George Valliant Award for Contributions in Positive Clinical Psychology by the International Positive Psychology Association's Positive Clinical Psychology Division for her work in the development of hope therapy and capitalization models of treatment. She developed the Positive Psychology course at The Ohio State University, and has taught the course to approximately 240 undergraduate students annually for more than 10 years. She has been recognized with several teaching and mentorship awards.

    David B. Feldman, Santa Clara University, California
    David B. Feldman is Professor of Counseling Psychology at Santa Clara University, where he has taught undergraduate and graduate students topics related to positive psychology for more than 15 years. In 2017, he was awarded the J. Thomas and Kathleen L. McCarthy endowed professorship in recognition of his commitment to teaching and research. His work focuses on hope, meaning, and growth in the face of serious illness and other life difficulties, and he has been instrumental in developing hope therapy and applying it to various populations. In addition to his research publications, he has coauthored three previous books and hosts both a radio show and a podcast.

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