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John's Apologetic Christology
Legitimation and Development in Johannine Christology

Part of Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series

  • Date Published: December 2004
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521609470


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About the Authors
  • The Gospel according to John presents Jesus in a unique way as compared with other New Testament writings. Scholars have long puzzled and pondered over why this should be. In this book, James McGrath offers a convincing explanation of how and why the author of the Fourth Gospel arrived at a christological portrait of Jesus that is so different from that of other New Testament authors, and yet at the same time clearly has its roots in earlier tradition. McGrath suggests that as the author of this Gospel sought to defend his beliefs about Jesus against the objections brought by opponents, he developed and drew out further implications from the beliefs he inherited. The book studies this process using insights from the field of sociology which helps to bring methodological clarity to the important issue of the development of Johannine Christology.

    • Offers a fresh approach to the question of the origins of Johannine christology
    • Evaluates the subjects and issues dealt with in earlier works in the first chapter and then takes them a stage further
    • Uses insights from the field of sociology to study the development of Johannine christology
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'I would recommend John's Apologetic Christology, especially to advanced students of the New Testament in need of a book that could provide an orientation to the study of John.' Bryn Mawr Classical Review

    'There is some especially interesting discussion of John 8:12-59 and 10:22-39 in which McGrath seeks to show how the Evangelist shapes the dialogue to answer potential Jewish objections. The theme of 'agency' is thoroughly explored, as are the tensions between Jesus as God's 'equal' and the Son's obedience to the Father.' Expository Times

    '… Dell's analysis does demonstrate that wisdom literature and thinking, however defined, is not alien to the rest of the Hebrew Scriptures but is in a clear continuity with it. The demonstration of this point is a valuable contribution …'. Perspectives in Religious Studies

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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 2004
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521609470
    • length: 284 pages
    • dimensions: 215 x 140 x 20 mm
    • weight: 0.75kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Introduction:
    1. Introduction: the development of Johannine christology
    2. A conflict setting and a distinctive christology: setting the stage
    Part II. Jesus and God:
    3. '... Those who say 'there are two powers in John'...'
    4. God's equal or God's agent? (John 5)
    5. 'I obey, therefore 'I am' ' (John 8.12-59)
    6. 'You are Gods' - but who are 'you'? (John 10.22-39)
    7. In the bosom of the Father (John 1.1-18)
    8. Conclusion to Part II
    Part III. Jesus, Moses and Torah:
    9. The word and the glory (John 1.1-18)
    10. Descent and ascent (John 3.1-21)
    11. Bread from heaven (John 6)
    12. Legitimating signs (John 9)
    13. Conclusion to Part III
    Part IV. Other Issues and Conclusion:
    14. Other possible issues
    15. Putting the pieces together
    16. Conclusion.

  • Author

    James F. McGrath, Butler University, Indiana
    James F. McGrath is Lecturer in New Testament Studies at Emanuel University, Oradea and the University of Oradea, Romania. He has published articles in NTS, Irish Biblical Studies, Irish Theological Quarterly, Religion and Theology and Koinonia Journal.

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