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Look Inside The Life of Alexander Duff, D.D., LL.D

The Life of Alexander Duff, D.D., LL.D
In Two Volumes, with Portraits by Jeens

Volume 1

Part of Cambridge Library Collection - Religion

  • Date Published: March 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108008297


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About the Authors
  • George Smith (1833–1919) spent many years in India as an educator and editor of the Calcutta Review. He was a great supporter of missionary work and became secretary of the foreign mission committee of the Free Church of Scotland in 1870. He also wrote popular books of missionary biography including this two-volume Life of Alexander Duff (1879). Duff (1806–1878) was the first foreign missionary of the Church of Scotland and a leading figure in promoting Christian education in India. Duff pioneered what he called 'downward filter theory' which centred on educating India's upper caste through English in the hope that this elite group would then take responsibility for the evangelisation and modernisation of South Asia. Volume 1 describes Duff's life until 1843, covering his education in Scotland, his arrival in Calcutta and the founding of his school, the General Assembly Institution.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: March 2010
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108008297
    • length: 496 pages
    • dimensions: 216 x 140 x 28 mm
    • weight: 0.63kg
    • contains: 1 b/w illus. 1 map
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. The boy and the student
    2. The first missionary of the Church of Scotland
    3. The two shipwrecks
    4. Calcutta as it was
    5. The mine prepared
    6. The first explosion and the four converts
    7. The renaissance in India - the English language and the church
    8. The renaissance in India - science and letters
    9. Work for Europeans, Eurasians and native Christians
    10. The invalid and the orator
    11. Dr Duff organising
    12. Fishers of men
    13. Egypt-Sinai-Bombay-Madras
    14. Fighting the Governor-General
    15. The college and its spiritual fruit.

  • Author

    George Smith

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