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An Introduction to Christian Theology

2nd Edition


Part of Introduction to Religion

  • Date Published: November 2022
  • availability: In stock
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108810784


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About the Authors
  • Far from being solely an academic enterprise, the practice of theology can pique the interest of anyone who wonders about the meaning of life. This introduction to Christian theology – exploring its basic concepts, confessional content, and history – emphasizes the relevance of the key convictions of Christian faith to the challenges of today's world. Part I introduces the project of Christian theology and sketches the critical context that confronts Christian thought and practice today. Part II offers a survey of the key doctrinal themes of Christian theology, including revelation, the triune God, and the world as creation, identifying their biblical basis and the highlights of their historical development before giving a systematic evaluation of each theme. Part III provides an overview of Christian theology from the early church to the present. Thoroughly revised and updated, the second edition of An Introduction to Christian Theology includes a range of new visual and pedagogical features, including images, diagrams, tables, and more than eighty text boxes, which call attention to special emphases, observations, and applications to help deepen student engagement.

    • The book 'scaffolds' the material for students – usually starting with an introduction that draws the reader in, and then progressing from biblical roots through historical insights in order to pave the way for a more systematic conceptual statement of each topic
    • Images and diagrams included in the book provide resources and suggestions to instructors for pedagogical approaches to the material at hand
    • In addition to its thematic chapters (which include a historical element), the book also includes a robust historical section outlining the development of theology
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    Product details

    • Edition: 2nd Edition
    • Date Published: November 2022
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108810784
    • length: 686 pages
    • dimensions: 228 x 153 x 32 mm
    • weight: 1.1kg
    • availability: In stock
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Introduction to Theology:
    1. What is theology?
    2. The critical context of theology today
    Part II. Key Themes of Christian Theology:
    3. Revelation and knowledge of God
    4. A tale of two theisms
    5. The triune God
    6. The world as creation
    7. Humanity in the image of God and the disfigurement of sin
    8. The problem of evil and the question of theodicy
    9. The identity and person of Jesus Christ
    10. The reconciling work of Jesus Christ
    11. The person and work of the Holy Spirit
    12. Dimensions of salvation
    13. The church and its mission
    14. Christianity in a global context
    15. Hope and the future
    Part III. Historical Survey of Christian Theology:
    16. Theology in the patristic era (c. 100–500)
    17. Theology in the middle ages (c. 500–1400)
    18. Theology in the Reformation period (c. 1400–1700)
    19. Theology in modernity (c. 1700–1960)
    20. Theology in the contemporary period (c. 1960–present).

  • Authors

    Richard J. Plantinga, Calvin College, Michigan
    Richard J. Plantinga is Professor of Religion at Calvin University. He is editor of Christianity and Plurality: Classic and Contemporary Readings (1999) and co-editor of Christianity and Religious Plurality: Historical and Global Perspectives (2016).

    Thomas R. Thompson, Calvin College, Michigan
    Thomas R. Thompson is Professor of Religion at Calvin University. He is editor of The One in the Many: Christian Identity in a Multicultural World (1998).

    Matthew D. Lundberg, Calvin College, Michigan
    Matthew D. Lundberg is Director of the de Vries Institute for Global Faculty Development and Professor of Religion at Calvin University. He is the co-editor of Thinking Theologically about Mass Incarceration (2017) and author of Christian Martyrdom and Christian Violence (2021).

also by this author

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