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Look Inside Pastoral Care and Liberation Theology

Pastoral Care and Liberation Theology

Part of Cambridge Studies in Ideology and Religion

  • Date Published: March 1994
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9780521418225


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About the Authors
  • This is the first book to show how Latin American liberation theology can be applied to and can transform pastoral care in countries such as Britain and the USA. Hitherto pastoral care has tended to concentrate on looking after individuals. Stephen Pattison suggests that much of the suffering endured by individuals is actually socially and politically caused, and so is avoidable if the appropriate action is taken. The author argues that what we now require is a socio-politically aware and committed pastoral care which makes an option for oppressed and poor people and engages in practical struggle against the forces of injustice and oppression. Focussing as it does especially on mentally ill people and on women, the book will be of interest to all those who want to broaden their vision and knowledge of liberation theology or pastoral care, whether theologians, pastors, students for ministry, members of caring professions, or users of the services they provide.

    • the first attempt to draw explicit connections between liberation theology and pastoral care in the first world
    • author is the leading British pastoral theologian, with two highly-regarded titles to his credit
    • strong jacket/cover endorsements
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    Product details

    • Date Published: March 1994
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9780521418225
    • length: 292 pages
    • dimensions: 222 x 141 x 20 mm
    • weight: 0.455kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    General editors' Preface
    Introduction: The challenge of liberation theology
    1. The background to liberation theology
    2. The nature and content of liberation theology
    3. The methods of liberation theology
    4. Putting liberation theology to work
    5. The socio-political context of mental disorder
    6. Who becomes mentally ill?
    7. The historical and social context of the psychiatric hospital
    8. The socio-political order of the psychiatric hospital: the staff
    9. The socio-political order of the psychiatric hospital: the patients
    10. The 'brave new world' of community care
    11. The plight of mentally ill people
    12. Pastoral care with mentally ill people
    13. Socio-political awareness and commitment
    14. Unction in the function: pastoral care in socio-political perspective
    15. Liberating pastoral care
    16. What is to be done? Towards a socio-politically aware and committed pastoral care
    17. Bringing it all back home? Pastoral care with women

  • Author

    Stephen Pattison, University of Birmingham
    Stephen Pattison is Professor of Religion, Ethics, and Practice and H. G. Wood Professor of Theology at the University of Birmingham. His latest books are The Challenge of Practical Theology (2007), Seeing Things: Deepening Relations with Visual Artefacts (2007) and Saving Face: Enfacement, Shame, Theology (2013).

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