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The Science of Qualitative Research

2nd Edition

  • Date Published: November 2017
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108404501


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About the Authors
  • This updated and expanded edition is a unique examination of qualitative research in the social sciences, raising and answering the question of why we do this kind of investigation. Rather than providing instructions on how to conduct qualitative research, The Science of Qualitative Research explores the multiple roots of qualitative research - including phenomenology, hermeneutics, and critical theory - in order to diagnose the current state of the field and recommend an alternative. The author argues that much qualitative research today uses the mind-world dualism that is typical of traditional experimental investigation, and recommends that instead we focus on constitution: the relationship of mutual formation between a form of life and its members. Michel Foucault's program for 'a history ontology of ourselves' provides the basis for this fresh approach. The new edition features updated chapters, and a brand new chapter which offers a discussion on how to put into practice Foucault's concept.

    • Reviews and explains the multiple origins of qualitative research today in the social sciences, so students will learn about relevant literature across multiple fields
    • This revised edition includes a new chapter which provides a concrete example of a research project that studies constitution
    • The pedagogical features include important background summary boxes, and tables and figures used to illustrate central concepts
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    Product details

    • Edition: 2nd Edition
    • Date Published: November 2017
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108404501
    • length: 548 pages
    • dimensions: 228 x 152 x 28 mm
    • weight: 0.8kg
    • contains: 7 b/w illus. 28 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. The Objective Study of Subjectivity:
    1. What is science?
    2. The qualitative research interview
    3. The analysis of qualitative interviews
    4. Hermeneutics and the project for a human science
    5. Qualitative analysis reconsidered
    Part II. Ethnographic Fieldwork – the Focus on Constitution:
    6. Calls for interpretive social science
    7. Dualism and constitution: the social construction of reality
    8. Constitution as ontological
    9. The crisis in ethnography
    10. Studying ontological work
    Part III. Inquiry with an Emancipatory Interest:
    11. Qualitative research as critical inquiry
    12. Emancipatory inquiry as rational reconstruction
    13. Social science as participant objectification
    14. Archaeology, genealogy, ethics
    15. A historical ontology of ourselves
    16. The concrete investigation of constitution.

  • Author

    Martin J. Packer, Universidad de San Buenaventura, Colombia
    Martin Packer is Professor of Psychology at the University of San Buenaventura, in Colombia. He has taught at the Universidad de los Andes, Columbia, the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Michigan, and Duquesne University, Pennsylvania. His research has explored many aspects of children's development, in social and cultural context. Packer is co-editor of Entering the Circle: Hermeneutic Investigation in Psychology (1989, with Ritch Addison) and Cultural and Critical Perspectives on Human Development (2001, with Mark Tappan) and author of The Structure of Moral Action, of Changing Classes: School Reform and the New Economy (1985), and of Child Development: Understanding a Cultural Perspective (2017). He was one of the founding co-editors of the journal Qualitative Research in Psychology and has published articles in American Psychologist, Educational Psychologist, and Mind, Culture and Activity.

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