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Social Cohesion in Australia

Social Cohesion in Australia

John Nieuwenhuysen, James Jupp, Hass Dellal, Michael Ure, Andrew Markus, Nick Economou, Jock Collins, Siew-ean Khoo, Tim Rowse, Santina Bertone, Gary Bouma, Jenny Hocking, Andrew Jakubowicz, Brett Hutchins, Robert Nelson, Gabrielle McKinnon, Hurriyet Babacan, Stewart Foster, Thu Nguyen-Hoan, Des Storer
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  • Date Published: January 2008
  • availability: Out of stock in print form with no current plan to reprint
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521709439


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About the Authors
  • Australia's reputation as a successful large scale immigrant-receiving nation is well formed. In the latest wave, not only have millions of diverse people arrived in the post-war period from 1945 to a growing, high income, good employment economy; but the society absorbing them has remained stable and cohesive. This is not to say that it has been entirely plain sailing - sensitive debate, isolated interethnic violence, and the degree of migrant ghettoisation have been prominent, though varying in intensity over time. But overall, the planned program of immigration and settlement by Australia's governments over the years has been successful. This volume examines key elements of the means by which social cohesion can be constructively sought in Australia. With contributions from some of Australia's leading experts in this field, this book addresses the key concern: what are the threats to Australia's social cohesion and how can they be countered?

    • The volume takes an interdisciplinary approach to a vital social question, and draws on the expertise of Australia's leading academics in a variety of disciplines
    • There are no competing titles available on the market with specifically Australian content
    • Issues of identity politics are of growing importance in many modern societies
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    Product details

    • Date Published: January 2008
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521709439
    • length: 240 pages
    • dimensions: 226 x 150 x 14 mm
    • weight: 0.358kg
    • availability: Out of stock in print form with no current plan to reprint
  • Table of Contents

    Introduction John Nieuwenhuysen
    1. The quest for harmony James Jupp
    2. The conditions for social cohesion Andrew Markus and Liudmila Kirpitchenko
    3. Social cohesion in a diverse society Nick Economou
    4. Government initiatives for social cohesion Stewart Foster
    5. The landmark of Cronulla Jock Collins
    6. Policing the other: Lebanese young people in a climate of conflict Rob White
    7. Religious resurgence and diversity and social cohesion in Australia Gary D. Bouma and Rod Ling
    8. Family and nation: the indigenous /non-indigenous relationship Tim Rowse
    9. Social cohesion and cultural fragility: paradoxes of indigenous rapports with Eurasian Australia Robert Nelson
    10. Educational attainment and interethnic marriage Siew-ean Khoo
    11. Unions and the workplace Santina Bertone
    12. Education Hurriyet Babacan
    13. The media Andrew Jakubowicz
    14. Sport Brett Hutchins
    15. Terrorism and the politics Jenny Hocking
    16. The arts and social cohesion Robert Nelson
    15. Human rights and social cohesion Gabrielle McKinnon
    16. Human rights and social cohesion: would a Bill of Rights enhance social cohesion in Australia? Gabrielle McKinnon.

  • Editors

    James Jupp, Australian National University, Canberra
    James Jupp is the Director of the Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies at the Australian National University. He was General Editor of the Bicentennial Encyclopedia of the Australian People from 1984 until its publication as The Australian People in September 1988 and of the second edition published for the Centenary of Federation in 2001. Dr Jupp has published widely on immigration and multicultural affairs and has acted as a consultant for the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the Department of Immigration and other public agencies. He was a member of the Advisory Council on Multicultural Affairs, and chairman of the Review of Migrant and Multicultural Programs and Services, which presented its report Don't Settle for Less, to the Minister for Immigration in August, 1986. Formerly chairman of the ACT Multicultural Advisory Council and of the ACT Reference Group of the Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research, he was a member of the Planning and Steering Committees for the Global Cultural Diversity conference held in Sydney in April 1995. His publications include Arrivals and Departures (1966), Ethnic Politics in Australia (1984), The Challenge of Diversity (1989), lmmigration (1991), Nations of Immigrants (1992), The Politics of Australian Immigration (1993), Exile or Refuge? (1994) and Understanding Australian Multiculturalism (1996). The second edition of Immigration was published by Oxford University Press in 1998. His study of recent immigration policy, From White Australia to Woomera, was published in 2002 and his The English in Australia in 2004, both by Cambridge University Press. Dr Jupp has held teaching posts in Political Science at the University of Melbourne, the University of York (England), the University of Waterloo (Canada) and the University of Canberra. His Doctorate of Philosophy, on the political development of Sri Lanka, was granted by the University of London in 1975 and published as Sri Lanka: Third World Dem

    John Nieuwenhuysen, Monash University, Victoria
    Professor John Nieuwenhuysen is the founding director of the Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements. He holds the degrees of MA (Natal) and PhD (London), and is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia. Professor Nieuwenhuysen also holds positions at other organisations, including Deputy Chancellor, RMIT University; Chair of the Board, VITS Language Link; Member of the Board, Australian Multicultural Foundation; and Member of the Australian Quality Audit Agency Panel Previously, Professor Nieuwenhuysen was Chief Executive, Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA); Foundation Director, Bureau of Immigration, Multicultural and Population Research; Reader in Economics, University of Melbourne; Chair, Review of the Liquor Control Act, Victoria; Chair, Inquiry into Revenue Raising, Victoria; Visiting Associate Professor, Pittsburgh University; Research Fellow, International Labour Office, Geneva; and Research Officer, UK Department of Trade and Industry. In 2004, Professor Nieuwenhuysen chaired a public consultation panel on impending legislation for a Victorian Multicultural Act, and, on June 9 2003, was awarded a Member in the Order of Australia (AM) for service to the community through contributions to independent academic, public and private sector research, to debate on immigration, cultural diversity, equity, economic development, taxation, indigenous, labour and industry issues, and to reform of the liquor laws of Victoria.

    Emma Dawson, Monash University, Victoria
    Emma Dawson is a Research Fellow at the Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements, and a Fellow at public policy think tank The Centre for Policy Development. She is a columnist for online political magazine New Matilda and has published widely in a variety of other publications, including The Australian, The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. The holder of a first class honours degree from La Trobe University, and a Masters' degree in Media and Communications from Monash University's National Centre for Australian Studies (NCAS), Ms Dawson was awarded a three-year NCAS departmental PhD scholarship in 2004. Her thesis, Public Broadcasting and Multiculturalism: the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) 1978–2008, is due for completion in January 2008. Ms Dawson speaks regularly at conferences and public symposia, and has appeared on various current affairs and talk-back programs on Australian radio. She has worked as a project manager for SBS, a Fellow at Melbourne-based think tank OzProspect, and a policy advisor to government, and has served on the boards of several non-profit and community organisations.


    John Nieuwenhuysen, James Jupp, Hass Dellal, Michael Ure, Andrew Markus, Nick Economou, Jock Collins, Siew-ean Khoo, Tim Rowse, Santina Bertone, Gary Bouma, Jenny Hocking, Andrew Jakubowicz, Brett Hutchins, Robert Nelson, Gabrielle McKinnon, Hurriyet Babacan, Stewart Foster, Thu Nguyen-Hoan, Des Storer

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