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ESV Bible editions
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- New English Bible
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- New King James Version
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- Revised English Bible
- Revised Version
- Tyndale
- Original Greek
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Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge.
The Greek New Testament holds a special place in Christian thinking as the mouthpiece for God’s revelation of the Gospel and of Jesus Christ. While there are a few trusted Greek texts currently in print, significant advances have been made in Greek translation studies of the New Testament since a standard text was last adopted in 1975. In this edition, an editorial team of biblical scholars connected to Tyndale House, Cambridge, have carried out a rigorously philological review, looking afresh at spelling and paragraphing, and integrating recent insights into scribal practices and other advances in New Testament Greek. The result is a ground-breaking contribution to biblical scholarship.
This new Cambridge edition is fully sewn and bound in grey faux leather. It is intended for use by students, scholars and clergy.
- black-letter text
- single-column
- paragraph format
- textual apparatus
- sewn binding
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