- ISBN:9781107549487
- Format:eBooks
- Subject(s):Computer Science
- Qualification:WJEC/Eduqas
- Author(s):Laura Dixon
- Available from: August 2015
- Notes: Not available for credit card purchase. Please contact Customer Services.
A new series of print and digital resources developed for the 2015 OCR and Eduqas A/AS Level Computer Science qualifications.
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×- Contents
A comprehensive pack of classroom projects designed for teachers, aimed at teaching students basic and advanced programming techniques in a relevant context.
Will support teachers in preparing students for Component 3 (non-exam assessment) of the new A Level.
- Author(s)
- 1. Selection: What am I?
- 2. Iteration: Reaction tester
- 3. Selection and iteration: Fizz Buzz
- 4. Debugging
- 5. Procedures: Light show
- 6. Arrays: Snakes on a plane
- 7. Functions: Scrabble scores
- 8. Pseudocode: Denary to binary converter
- 9. Two-dimensional arrays: Noughts and crosses
- 10. Computational thinking: Crack the code
- 11. Efficiency: Guess golf
- 12. Stacks: Excavate the pyramid maze
- 13. Shortest path algorithm: Robot maze solver
- 14 Recursion: Merge sort
- 15. Decomposition: Hangman
- 16. Using APIs
- 17. Abstraction: Monster mash
- 18. Challenge 1: Train tickets
- 19. Challenge 2: Log in system - Programming for the Web
- 20. Challenge 3: Magic squares.
Laura Dixon
Laura is the Head of Computing and ICT at the Royal High School, Bath. Laura has a degree in Computer Science from the University of Bath, and prior to training as a teacher, she worked as a web developer. Laura’s interests include investigating new ways of learning about Computer Science and improving the delivery and perception of education in this field. Laura is also a Raspberry Pi Certified Educator and Chair of CAS #include (Computing At School) which aims to challenge stereotypes and improve the diversity of students studying Computing in the UK.
![for OCR Student Book](https://assets.cambridge.org/97811084/12711/cover/9781108412711.jpg)
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