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- Cambridge International AS & A Level Psychology
- ISBN:9781009152495
- Format:eBooks
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Qualification:Cambridge AS and A Level
- Author(s):Julia Russell, Lizzie Gauntlett, Amy Papaconstantinou
- Available from: May 2022
New editions of Cambridge International AS & A Level Psychology to support the revised syllabus for examination from 2024.
This accessible digital coursebook has been developed from extensive research with practising teachers. There are multiple opportunities to engage in active learning such as group work, research projects and discussion questions. Activities develop students’ essential skills of analysis, interpretation, application and evaluation. Exam-style questions build student confidence. English as a second language learners are supported with command words, accessible language and glossary definitions. Regular self-assessment and peer-assessment features provide reflection opportunities, to develop confident, independent learners. Answers can be found by teachers online at www.cambridge.org/go.
- Contents
This core component of the series fully covers the syllabus content. We are working towards endorsement of this resource with Cambridge Assessment International Education for full syllabus coverage.
Multiple practice opportunities help students consolidate their learning
English as a second language learners are supported by accessible language and definitions of key psychology vocabulary and command words in context throughout the coursebook
A focus on research methods, and issues and debates develops understanding of the implications for psychological research
Project work encourages the use of research, communication and collaboration skills
Case studies, engage student understanding and help put theory into context
- Key concepts in psychology
- Issues and debates at AS Level
- 1. Research methods
- 2. Biological approach
- 3. Cognitive approach
- 4. Learning approach
- 5. Social approach
- Issues and debates at A Level
- Research methods at A Level
- 6. Clinical psychology
- 7. Consumer psychology
- 8. Psychology and health
- 9. Psychology and organisations.
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