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- Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing
Availability: Available, despatch within 1-2 weeks
- ISBN:9781009106474
- Format:Print/online bundle
- Subject(s):Vocational
- Qualification:Cambridge Nationals
- Author(s):Mark Tippins, Karen Tullett, Julie Whatford
- Available from: June 2022
Activity-based series, mapped to specification, developed with teachers, exam skills, first teach September 2022. Endorsed by OCR.
Availability: Available, despatch within 1-2 weeks
This print and digital student book has been developed from extensive research with teachers. It covers all the units for the redeveloped Cambridge National in Enterprise and Marketing, with an easy-to-follow visual layout and accessible language to stimulate students’ interest. Takes a scaffolded, activity-based approach to understanding all of the content, written at just the right level, helping to engage students in their learning and give them the confidence to progress. Helps students to develop the knowledge and skills to complete their assessments. Bite-sized learning topics build understanding of essential concepts and are supported by ‘real-life’ contextualised case studies with three levels of differentiated questions to support all students. An enhanced Glossary includes explanations of key subject terminology to aid understanding and help students to present information clearly and accurately. Three different types of activities enable students to learn by doing, discussing or researching the topic. These are: ‘Let’s get started’; ‘Over to you’; and ‘Let’s get practical’
- Contents
- How to use this book
- R067 Enterprise and marketing concepts
- TA1 Characteristics, risk and reward for enterprise
- TA2 Market research to target a specific customer
- TA3 What makes a product financially viable
- TA4 Creating a marketing mix to support a product
- TA5 Factors to consider when starting up and running an enterprise
- R068 Design a business proposal
- TA1 Market research
- TA2 How to identify a customer profile
- TA3 Develop a product proposal
- TA4 Review whether a business proposal is financially viable
- TA5 Review the likely success of the business proposal
- R069 Market and pitch a business proposal
- TA1 Develop a brand identity to target a specific customer profile
- TA2 Create a promotional campaign for a brand and product
- TA3 Plan and pitch a proposal
- TA4 Review a brand proposal, promotional campaign and professional pitch
- Glossary
- Index
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