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Coastal Wetlands of the World
Geology, Ecology, Distribution and Applications

$68.99 (P)

  • Date Published: August 2014
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781107628250

$ 68.99 (P)

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  • Salt marshes and mangrove forests, the intertidal wetlands of the world's coastlines, provide key ecological services to all areas of the globe. This cutting-edge, richly illustrated book introduces the essential elements of coastal wetlands and their applications. The book opens by introducing coastal oceanography, the physical features of wetlands, their ecology, and human impacts upon them, giving all students the necessary background for wetlands studies. It then presents detailed case studies from around the world with extensive illustrations, supplying a wider, global-scale picture of wetlands geomorphology and biodiversity. The final chapters discuss some unique applications of coastal wetlands, including geological monitoring, uses in biotechnology and agriculture, and various experimental mesocosms. This is ideal as supplementary reading to support students on a wide range of earth and life science courses, from environmental science, ecology and palaeoecology to geomorphology and geography. It will also be a valuable interdisciplinary reference for researchers.

    • Presents an integrated approach to wetlands combining geology and ecology, and including both salt marshes and mangrove forests
    • Provides case histories from all continents except Antarctica, richly illustrated with images from real field studies, which are also accessible online in colour where available
    • Explains the applications of wetlands studies to other fields such as pre-historical impacts of coastline changes, development of crops amidst shrinking global water resources, and conducting wetlands mesocosm experiments
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    Reviews & endorsements

    "This is a major new contribution to the study of salt marshes and mangrove forests. Uniquely comprehensive, the book provides extraordinary coverage of coastal wetlands from the Arctic to the tropics with superb case study examples from Africa, Europe, Asia, and both Americas. Importantly, this innovative volume covers not only the physical, ecological and human interventions controlling the development, loss and future of coastal wetlands but also provides the reader with modern approaches to geological monitoring, conservation of plant biodiversity, and experimental methods. The readability of the book, with supporting graphics and informative photographs, makes it accessible to readers at all levels."
    Professor Curtis J. Richardson, Director, Duke University Wetland Center

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    Product details

    • Date Published: August 2014
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781107628250
    • length: 364 pages
    • dimensions: 246 x 190 x 17 mm
    • weight: 0.82kg
    • contains: 194 b/w illus. 30 colour illus. 21 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Introduction
    2. Physical aspects: geological, oceanic and climatic conditions
    3. Zonations and plants: development, stressors and adaptations
    4. Animals in coastal wetlands: zonation, adaptations and energy flow
    5. Human intervention causing coastal problems
    6. Coastal wetlands worldwide: climatic zonation and ecosystems
    7. North American coastal wetland examples
    8. South American coastal wetland examples
    9. Africa: selected marsh and mangrove areas
    10. Europe and Asia: a view of what remains
    11. Australian and New Zealand wetlands
    12. Applications in geological monitoring: paleoseismology and paleoclimate
    13. Applications in conservation of biodiversity and agriculture
    14. Applications using mesocosms for study of coastal wetlands
    15. Conclusions and future directions

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    Coastal Wetlands of the World

    David B. Scott, Jennifer Frail-Gauthier, Petra J. Mudie

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  • Authors

    David B. Scott, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia
    David Scott is Professor in the Earth Sciences Department of Dalhousie University where he teaches micropaleontology and quaternary geology. His other positions held include VP on the Cushman Foundation board, membership of the Geological Society of America and Paleontological Society, and serving as associate editor for the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. He has written over 130 refereed papers, has edited three NATO volumes on coastal geomorphology and paleontological subjects, and is also the co-author of Monitoring in Coastal Environments Using Foraminifera and Thecamoebian Indicators (with Franco Medioli and Charles Schafer, Cambridge University Press, 2001). Professor Scott has conducted field work in most major marshes of North America, and several wetlands in South America and Europe, in addition to participating in Ocean Drilling Program studies in the Indian Ocean.

    Jennifer Frail-Gauthier, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia
    Jennifer Frail-Gauthier is a PhD candidate in Earth Sciences and Biology at Dalhousie University, and her research topic is small food webs in salt marsh ecosystems, specifically foraminifera, which form an important part of this book. Her PhD focus is on experimental approaches to salt marshes for studies in ecology, biology, geology, restoration and other human impacts. Ms Frail-Gauthier is a Science Writing tutor and teaches third-year Applied Coastal Ecology, which focuses on the various coastal ecosystems of the world, including geology, ecology, and anthropogenic impacts, and also teaches various biology courses. She has received several major scholarships and awards during her graduate studies, and also holds a Teaching Excellence award and a University Medal from Dalhousie University.

    Petra J. Mudie, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia
    Petra Mudie is an Adjunct of the Graduate Studies Faculty at Dalhousie University, Adjunct Professor of Memorial University of Newfoundland, and a Scientist Emeritus with Geological Survey of Canada Atlantic. Her previous work includes heading up a Halophyte Research laboratory at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography including surveys of coastal wetlands from Canada to Mexico, working on environmental marine geology for the Canadian Government until 2001, and subsequently leading an international program, studying palynological records of the history of climate and sea level change in the Black Sea-Eastern Mediterranean Corridor. She is the author of over 80 papers in science journals. Dr Mudie and Professor Scott have collaborated on salt marsh and Arctic paleoenvironmental studies for nearly 40 years, co-supervising many graduate students.

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