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The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences

$292.00 (R)

William Croft, Lee Osterhout, Richard A. Wright, Mark D. Allen, James Pustejovsky, Florian Coulmas, Lyle Jenkins, Barbara Lust, Patrick Colm Hogan
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  • Date Published: November 2010
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9780521866897

$ 292.00 (R)

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About the Authors
  • Have you lost track of developments in generative linguistics, finding yourself unsure about the distinctive features of Minimalism? Would you like to know more about recent advances in the genetics of language, or about right hemisphere linguistic operation? Has your interest in narrative drawn you to question the relation between stories and grammars? The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences addresses these issues, along with hundreds of others. It includes basic entries for those unfamiliar with a given topic and more specific entries for those seeking more specialized knowledge. It incorporates both well-established findings and cutting-edge research and classical approaches and new theoretical innovations. The volume is aimed at readers who have an interest in some aspect of language science but wish to learn more about the broad range of ideas, findings, practices, and prospects that constitute this rapidly expanding field, a field arguably at the center of current research on the human mind and human society.

    • Systematic topical coverage, from discourse analysis to neurolinguistics, from acoustic phonetics to legal interpretation
    • Seven overview essays and nearly 500 entries on specific topics that lay out basic principles for those unfamiliar with the field, but also incorporate recent research and theorization
    • Provides an affordable, up-to-date, and accessible (but not reductive or overly simplified) one-volume reference resource for knowledge of language science
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    Reviews & endorsements

    "For both range and depth of exposition and commentary on the diverse disciplinary angles that exist on the nature of language, there is no single volume to match this fine work of reference." – Akeel Bilgrami, Columbia University

    “The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences is a very welcome addition to the field of language sciences. Its comprehensiveness is praiseworthy, as is the quality of its entries and discussions.” – Seymour Chatman, University of California, Berkeley

    “This ambitious and comprehensive work, and the very high quality of the editors and contributors, ensure that it will be a valuable contribution to the understanding of language and its uses, both for professionals and a more general audience.” – Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    "...this is an excellent addition to reference collections geared toward advanced study in linguistics, cognitive science, and related areas." --Choice

    “This ambitious and comprehensive work, and the very high quality of the editors and contributors, ensure that it will be a valuable contribution to the understanding of language and its uses, both for professionals and a more general audience.” – Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    “The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences is a very welcome addition to the field of language sciences. Its comprehensiveness is praiseworthy, as is the quality of its entries and discussions.” – Seymour Chatman, University of California, Berkeley

    "For both range and depth of exposition and commentary on the diverse disciplinary angles that exist on the nature of language, there is no single volume to match this fine work of reference." – Akeel Bilgrami, Columbia University

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    Product details

    • Date Published: November 2010
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9780521866897
    • length: 1048 pages
    • dimensions: 286 x 222 x 42 mm
    • weight: 2.3kg
    • contains: 10 b/w illus. 12 colour illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Introductory Essays:
    1. Language structure in its human context: new directions for the language sciences in the twenty-first century William Croft
    2. The psychology of linguistic form Lee Osterhout, Richard A. Wright and Mark D. Allen
    3. The structure of meaning James Pustejovsky
    4. Social practices of speech and writing Florian Coulmas
    5. Explaining language: neuroscience, genetics and evolution Lyle Jenkins
    6. Acquisition of language Barbara Lust
    7. Elaborating speech and writing: verbal art Patrick Colm Hogan
    Part II. Entries.

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  • Editor

    Patrick Colm Hogan, University of Connecticut
    Patrick Colm Hogan is a professor in the Department of English and the Program in Cognitive Science at the University of Connecticut. He is the author of ten books, including Cognitive Science, Literature, and the Arts: A Guide for Humanists and The Mind and its Stories: Narrative Universals and Human Emotion (Cambridge University Press, 2003).


    William Croft, Lee Osterhout, Richard A. Wright, Mark D. Allen, James Pustejovsky, Florian Coulmas, Lyle Jenkins, Barbara Lust, Patrick Colm Hogan

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