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The Cambridge Handbook of Applied Perception Research

The Cambridge Handbook of Applied Perception Research
2 Volume Paperback Set

$144.00 (P)

Part of Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology

Robert R. Hoffman, Peter A. Hancock, Mark W. Scerbo, James L. Szalma, Raja Parasuraman, William S. Helton, Simon Kemp, Corey J. Bohil, David B. Boles, Michael B. Dillard, F. Jacob Seagull, Matthew Rizzo, Motonori Yamaguchi, Robert W. Proctor, David A. Washburn, Robert D. Latzman, Natasha B. Schwartz, Jessica Bramlett, Jyoti Mishra, Daphne Bavelier, Adam Gazzaley, Allison A. Brennan, James T. Enns, Kait Clark, Matthew S. Cain, Stephen R. Mitroff, Gerald Matthews, Joel S. Warm, Victor S. Finmore, Michael A. Vidulich, Matthew E. Funke, Richard A. Block, Anil K. Raj, Jameson D. Beach, Mary E. Stuart, Lauren A. Vassiliades, Carryl L. Baldwin, Andre Garcia, Astrid M. L. Kappers, Wouter M. Bergmann Tiest, Karl M. Newell, Breanna E. Studenka, Xiaogang Hu, J. Christopher Brill, Takamichi Nakamoto, James Thompson, Jesse Q. Sargent, Jeffrey M. Zacks, Heather R. Bailey, Evan F. Risko, Alan Kingstone, Poornima Hadhavan, John G. Neuhoff, Keith S. Jones, Leonard S. Mark, Lin Ye, L. James Smart, Patricia R. DeLucia, Tal Oron-Gilad, Avinoam Borowsky, Kay Stanney, Kelly Hale, Meredith Carroll, Roberto Champney, Deborah A. Boehm-Davis, John M. Flach, Kevin B. Bennett, David D. Woods, Richard J. Jagacinski, Christopher Edman, Jerred Holt, Patricia Lee, Richard Lowe, Clare Davies, Sara Irina Fabrikant, Mary Hegarty, Simen Hagen, James Tanaka, Christopher D. Wickens, Colin G. Drury, Brittany L. Anderson, Leedjia Svec, Douglas J. Gillan, Alexander Morison, Taylor Murphy, Nancy J. Cooke, James Staszewski, Rebecca A. Grier, Deborah L. Harm, Millard F. Reschke, Scott J. Wood, Robert C. Kennedy, Robert S. Kennedy, Norman E. Lane, Joel Suss, Paul Ward, Cynthia Laurie-Rose, Tiffany A. Pempek, Lori M. Curtindale, Ioana Koglbauer, Jeffrey S. Bedwell, Katie A. Ragsdale, Andrew E. Deptula, Tracy L. Mitzner, Cory-Ann Smarr, Wendy A. Rogers, Arthur D. Fisk, Nicole D. Helton, Clayton L. Stephenson, Diane F. Halpern
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  • Date Published: October 2017
  • availability: Temporarily unavailable - available from TBC
  • format: Multiple copy pack
  • isbn: 9781107422230

$ 144.00 (P)
Multiple copy pack

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About the Authors
  • The Cambridge Handbook of Applied Perception Research covers core areas of research in perception with an emphasis on its application to real-world environments. Topics include multisensory processing of information, time perception, sustained attention, and signal detection, as well as pedagogical issues surrounding the training of applied perception researchers. In addition to familiar topics, such as perceptual learning, the Handbook focuses on emerging areas of importance, such as human-robot coordination, haptic interfaces, and issues facing societies in the twenty-first century (e.g., terrorism and threat detection, medical errors, the broader implications of automation). Organized into sections representing major areas of theoretical and practical importance for the application of perception psychology to human performance and the design and operation of human-technology interdependence, it also addresses the challenges to basic research, including the problem of quantifying information, defining cognitive resources, and theoretical advances in the nature of attention and perceptual processes.

    • The first handbook on applied perception research
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    Reviews & endorsements

    "A comprehensive review of current research by the top-tier authors in the field, with wide application to human-system integration."
    Thomas Sheridan, Professor Emeritus of Applied Psychology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    "A handbook of applied perception research is a challenging undertaking. This one meets the challenge with 54 chapters authored by an impressive array of experts, spanning multiple sensory modalities, diverse methodologies, processes ranging from sensory to emotional, individual variation along with norms - and all of these from a basic and applied perspective. Among the welcome expansions on traditional topics like ergonomics and attention are chapters on the modalities of touch and olfaction, human-robot interaction, effects of video-game play, ecological approaches, and development across the life span. Each chapter offers a concise introduction that will send the interested reader further, and the 1100+ pages as a whole provide an exciting and comprehensive portrait of this rapidly evolving field."
    Roberta Klatzky, Carnegie Mellon University

    "The Cambridge Handbook of Applied Perception Research is not just for perception researchers - it is the comprehensive resource on perception that all practitioners and researchers who hope to make an applied contribution have been waiting for."
    Frank Durso, Georgia Institute of Technology

    "This stimulating collection dramatically illustrates the breadth of applied perception research: from the effects of video-game play on visual attention to the possibilities of olfactory interfaces. The book is also a testimony to the enduring impact of Joel Warm on the study of vigilance in particular and applied perception research in general."
    Jeremy Wolfe, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School

    "The Cambridge Handbook of Applied Perception Research weaves stories of the challenges faced by application-inspired researchers into the fabric of today's core disciplinary ideas. Contributors note that the story of applied perception research is the story of experimental psychology more broadly, and many of the chapters in this volume provide evidence that this claim has merit. Forward-looking chapters also show how questions posed in the context of emerging applications, such as human-robot coordination, virtual environments, and security management, might provide direction for both experimental psychology and cognitive science in the years to come."
    C. Melody Carswell, Associate Director, Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments, University of Kentucky

    "… an exciting and comprehensive assessment of developments in experimental psychology and the role perception plays in human-system engineering. The Handbook represents an extraordinary achievement with 54 expert chapters covering every sensory modality, methodologies, and applications … Tapping on what is known in perceptual research and applying this knowledge to understand behavior and performance in working environments is the real challenge this work has managed to address so well … The Handbook is a unique, comprehensive resource on application-inspired research in perception that will benefit many researchers and practitioners involved in the ever increasing number of emerging applications."
    John L. Barbur, Perception

    'The high complexity and importance of this work may be understood considering the vital fields implicated herein, such as, for instance, brain and its mechanism, cognitive processes, memory, attention, senses, biological substrates and processes; as well as the interrelation between the latter elements. The large number (ca. 100) of pioneer contributors to the work at hand reflects its great impact. This handbook constitutes a milestone in the field of applied perception. Its main target group refers to perception scientists and -generally speaking- to psychologists. Moreover, it is of great importance for computer scientists as well as for applications engineers; finally, for signal or/and sensor scientists/engineers.' Nikolaos E. Myridis, Contemporary Physics

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    Product details

    • Date Published: October 2017
    • format: Multiple copy pack
    • isbn: 9781107422230
    • length: 1127 pages
    • dimensions: 247 x 190 x 63 mm
    • weight: 2.33kg
    • contains: 122 b/w illus. 16 colour illus. 20 tables
    • availability: Temporarily unavailable - available from TBC
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Background and Methodology:
    1. Applied perception research: an introduction to this handbook
    2. Some highlights in the history of applied perception research
    3. Psychophysical methods and signal detection: recent advances in theory
    4. The measurement of perceptual resources and workload
    5. Methods and applications of eye tracking
    6. Applied perception and neuroergonomics
    Part II. Attention and Perceptual Processes:
    7. Perception and attention: a multidimensional approach to human performance modeling
    8. Attention as a cause and an effect of perception
    9. Probing plasticity of attention and working memory processes induced by video game play
    10. Visual attention and emotion: studying influence on a two-way street
    11. Perception and human information processing in visual search
    12. Motivation and emotion in sustained attention
    13. Vigilance: a perceptual challenge
    14. Psychology of time: basic and applied issues
    Part III. Modality:
    15. Multimodal and multisensory displays for perceptual tasks
    16. Multi-modal and cross-modal perception: audition
    17. Haptic perception
    18. Visual information in the coordination and control of isometric force
    19. Guidelines for vibrotactile display design: front-end, intensitive, and spatial considerations
    20. Olfactory interfaces
    Part IV. Perception in Context:
    21. Biological motion perception
    22. Perceptual segmentation of natural events: theory, methods, and applications
    23. Attention in the wild: visual attention in complex, dynamic, and social environments
    24. Perception of trust in automation
    25. Applied ecological acoustics
    26. Affordance perception research
    27. Perceiving the nesting of affordances for complex goal-directed actions
    28. Perception of collision
    29. Hazard awareness in driving: measurement and training
    Part V. Perception and Design:
    30. Applied perception and virtual environment training systems
    31. Using task analysis and computational cognitive models to design and evaluate interfaces
    32. Interface design: a control theoretic context for a triadic meaning processing approach
    33. Ecological interface design: a selective overview
    34. Perceptual learning in the comprehension of animation and animated diagrams
    35. Towards empirically verified cartographic displays
    Part VI. Perception and Domains of Work and Professional Experience:
    36. Perceptual learning and expertise
    37. Noticing events in the visual workplace: the SEEV and NSEEV models
    38. Sustained attention in operational settings
    39. Using simulation to examine perceptual challenges faced by healthcare providers
    40. Color vision in aviation
    41. Eye, robot: visual perception and human-robot interaction
    42. Human-robot interaction as extending human perception to new scales
    43. Applied perception in military applications: detection of hidden explosive hazards
    44. Situation awareness in command and control
    45. Spatial orientation and motion perception in microgravity
    46. Evaluating visually induced motion sickness
    47. Predicting the future in perceptual-motor domains: perceptual anticipation, option generation, and expertise
    Part VII. Individual and Population Differences:
    48. Sustained attention in infants and children
    49. Gender differences in time perception
    50. Early visual processing abnormalities related to schizophrenia and autistic spectrum disorders
    51. Considering older adults' perceptual capabilities in the design process
    52. Comparative applied perception research: the case of working dogs
    Part VIII. Pedagogical and Professional Issues:
    53. Pedagogical issues in teaching the psychology of perception
    54. Graduate training and experiences for careers in applied experimental psychology.

  • Editors

    Robert R. Hoffman, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, Florida
    Robert R. Hoffman, Ph.D. specializes in cognitive systems engineering and human-centered computing. He is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, a Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, and a Fulbright Scholar. Hoffman has been recognized internationally for his research and work on human factors in remote sensing, on the psychology of expertise and the methodology of cognitive task analysis, and on human-centered computing issues and intelligent systems technology, as well as the design of macrocognitive work systems. Hoffman is a co-editor for the Department on Human-Centered Computing in IEEE: Intelligent Systems, editor for the book series Expertise: Research and Applications, and co-founder of the Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. His current research focuses on the psychology of intelligence analysis, methodological issues in the analysis of complex systems, and performance measurement for macrocognitive work systems. A full vita and all of his publications are available at

    Peter A. Hancock, University of Central Florida
    Peter A. Hancock, D.Sc., Ph.D. is Provost Distinguished Research Professor, Pegasus Professor, and Trustee Chair in the Department of Psychology and the Institute for Simulation and Training, as well as in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems at the University of Central Florida. He also directs the MIT2 (Minds in Technology, Machines in Thought) Research Laboratories. He is the author of more than 700 refereed scientific articles and publications and author or editor of fifteen books, including Human Performance and Ergonomics (1999), Stress, Workload, and Fatigue (2001), and Performance under Stress (2008). He is a Fellow of numerous scientific societies and was the president of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society in 2000. His work revolves primarily around the reciprocal influence between human beings and technology. He also works on the theoretical and empirical exploration of time and is an award-winning historian. Details of his work can be found at

    Mark W. Scerbo, Old Dominion University, Virginia
    Mark W. Scerbo, Ph.D. is Professor of human factors psychology at Old Dominion University, Virginia. He began his career as a research assistant at AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1980, received his Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of Cincinnati in 1987, and then returned to AT&T where he managed the Systems Evaluation Center in New Jersey from 1987 to 1990, introducing usability engineering to the Network Operations Division. He is a Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and received his Modeling and Simulation Professional Certification in 2002. He has more than 160 scientific publications and currently serves as an associate editor for the journals Simulation in Healthcare and Human Factors. He has more than thirty years of experience researching and designing systems and displays that improve user performance in academic, military, and industrial work environments. His current research interests are focused on user interaction with medical simulation technology. In addition, he has studied human factors issues related to the behavioral and physiological factors that affect human interaction with virtual environments, automated systems, and adaptive interfaces.

    Raja Parasuraman, George Mason University, Virginia
    Raja Parasuraman, Ph.D. is University Professor of Psychology at George Mason University, Virginia. He is also director of the Graduate Program in Human Factors and Applied Cognition and of the Center of Excellence in Neuroergonomics, Technology, and Cognition. His primary research is in human factors and cognitive neuroscience, as well as in molecular genetics of cognition and in neuroergonomics, which he defines as the study of brain and behavior at work. His books include The Attentive Brain (1998), Neuroergonomics: The Brain at Work (2007), and Nurturing the Older Brain and Mind (2012). Parasuraman is Fellow of numerous organizations, including the American Psychological Association (1991) and the International Ergonomics Association (2006), and is a National Associate of the National Academy of Sciences. He is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including the Jerome H. Ely Award for best paper in the journal Human Factors (1997, 2001), the Franklin V. Taylor Award for Lifetime Achievement in Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology from the American Psychological Association (2004), the inaugural Raymond S. Nickerson Award for Best Paper in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied (2010), and the Admiral Kollmorgen Spirit of Innovation Award for Contributions to Neuroergonomics (2010). His recent awards include the Triennial Outstanding Educators Award from the International Ergonomics Association and the Celebration of Scholarship Award from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at George Mason University (both in 2012).

    James L. Szalma, University of Central Florida
    James L. Szalma, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at the University of Central Florida. He received a B.S. in chemistry from the University of Michigan, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in applied experimental/human factors psychology from the University of Cincinnati. His Human Performance Research Laboratory studies how variations in task characteristics interact with the characteristics of the person (i.e. cognitive abilities, personality, emotion, motivation) to influence performance, workload, and stress of cognitively demanding tasks. His primary research interests include signal/threat detection (e.g. friend/foe identification), training for threat detection, and how the characteristics of tasks and operators interact to influence performance in the context of tasks that require sustained attention or that include human-automation interaction. He is currently conducting research on the application of video game-based tasks to train sustained attention, and on the validity of Fuzzy Signal Detection Theory for performance evaluation in threat detection.


    Robert R. Hoffman, Peter A. Hancock, Mark W. Scerbo, James L. Szalma, Raja Parasuraman, William S. Helton, Simon Kemp, Corey J. Bohil, David B. Boles, Michael B. Dillard, F. Jacob Seagull, Matthew Rizzo, Motonori Yamaguchi, Robert W. Proctor, David A. Washburn, Robert D. Latzman, Natasha B. Schwartz, Jessica Bramlett, Jyoti Mishra, Daphne Bavelier, Adam Gazzaley, Allison A. Brennan, James T. Enns, Kait Clark, Matthew S. Cain, Stephen R. Mitroff, Gerald Matthews, Joel S. Warm, Victor S. Finmore, Michael A. Vidulich, Matthew E. Funke, Richard A. Block, Anil K. Raj, Jameson D. Beach, Mary E. Stuart, Lauren A. Vassiliades, Carryl L. Baldwin, Andre Garcia, Astrid M. L. Kappers, Wouter M. Bergmann Tiest, Karl M. Newell, Breanna E. Studenka, Xiaogang Hu, J. Christopher Brill, Takamichi Nakamoto, James Thompson, Jesse Q. Sargent, Jeffrey M. Zacks, Heather R. Bailey, Evan F. Risko, Alan Kingstone, Poornima Hadhavan, John G. Neuhoff, Keith S. Jones, Leonard S. Mark, Lin Ye, L. James Smart, Patricia R. DeLucia, Tal Oron-Gilad, Avinoam Borowsky, Kay Stanney, Kelly Hale, Meredith Carroll, Roberto Champney, Deborah A. Boehm-Davis, John M. Flach, Kevin B. Bennett, David D. Woods, Richard J. Jagacinski, Christopher Edman, Jerred Holt, Patricia Lee, Richard Lowe, Clare Davies, Sara Irina Fabrikant, Mary Hegarty, Simen Hagen, James Tanaka, Christopher D. Wickens, Colin G. Drury, Brittany L. Anderson, Leedjia Svec, Douglas J. Gillan, Alexander Morison, Taylor Murphy, Nancy J. Cooke, James Staszewski, Rebecca A. Grier, Deborah L. Harm, Millard F. Reschke, Scott J. Wood, Robert C. Kennedy, Robert S. Kennedy, Norman E. Lane, Joel Suss, Paul Ward, Cynthia Laurie-Rose, Tiffany A. Pempek, Lori M. Curtindale, Ioana Koglbauer, Jeffrey S. Bedwell, Katie A. Ragsdale, Andrew E. Deptula, Tracy L. Mitzner, Cory-Ann Smarr, Wendy A. Rogers, Arthur D. Fisk, Nicole D. Helton, Clayton L. Stephenson, Diane F. Halpern

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