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Learning resources: chapter 13


Section 13.1 - Cognitive Science and Dynamical Systems
Section 13.2 - Applying Dynamical Systems: Two Examples from Child Development

1. Dynamical systems
Dynamical systems (from Wikipedia
Dynamical systems theory (from Wikipedia)
Dynamical systems (from Scholarpedia)
Brief introduction to dynamic systems theory (from The Splintered Mind, by Eric Schwitzgebel)

2. The dynamical systems hypothesis
Representations and cognitive explanations: Assessing the dynamicist’s challenge in cognitive science (paper by William Bechtel; from Cognitive Science, 22)
Tim van Gelder (entry from Wikipedia)
Tim van Gelder (personal website, with links to publications)
The dynamical challenge (paper by Andy Clark, 1997; from Cognitive Science, 21)

3. Watt governor
Feedback / Stafford Beer (video from YouTube)
Animated video of the Watt governor (from EpicPhysics)
Centrifugal governor (from Wikipedia)

4. Dynamical systems and child development
A dynamical systems approach to motor development (paper by Kathi Kamm, Esther Thelen, and Jody Jensen; from Physical Therapy, 70)
Development as a dynamic system (paper by Linda Smith and Esther Thelen, 2003; from Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7)
Knowing in the context of acting: The task dynamics of the A-not-B error (paper by Linda Smith, Esther Thelen, Robert Titzer, and Dewey McLin, 1999; from Psychological Review, 106)
Young infants reach correctly in A-not-B tasks: On the development of stability and perseveration (paper by Melissa Clearfield, Frederick Diedrich, Linda Smith, and Esther Thelen, 2006; from Infant Behavior & Development, 29)
A-not-B error (entry from Wikipedia)
A-not-B error (video from YouTube)
A typical 10-month-old on Piaget’s A-not-B task (video from YouTube)
Postural control during reaching in young infants: A dynamic systems approach (paper by Esther Thelen and John Spencer, 1998; from Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 22)
The promise of dynamic systems approaches for an integrated account of human development (paper by Marc Lewis, 2000; from Child Development, 71)
Stepping reflex (11 weeks) (video from YouTube)

Section 13.3 - Situated Cognition And Biorobotics

1. Embodied and situated cognition
Situated cognition (entry from Wikipedia)
A short primer on situated cognition (chapter by Philip Robbins and Murat Aydede; from The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition)
Explanation: Mechanism, modularity, and situated cognition (paper by William Bechtel; from The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition)
Embodiment and situated cognition (bibliography from MindPapers)
Embodied cognition: A field guide (paper by Michael Anderson, 2003; from Artificial Intelligence, 149)
Embodiment (entry by Ronald Chrisley and Tom Ziemke; from The Macmillan Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science)
Where brain, body, and world collide (paper by Andy Clark, 1998; from Daedalus, 127)
Podcast on embodied cognition by Lawrence Shapiro (from
Brief introduction to embodied cognition by Andy Clark (video)
Discussion of embodied cognition and robotics by Dana Ballard (video)

2. Biorobotics
Insect robotics group (website from Barbara Webb’s research group)
From earwigs to humans (paper by Rodney Brooks)
David Hong introduces a variety of different robots (video)
Alan Winfield’s robotics blog

Sections 13.4 - From Subsumption Architectures to Behavior-Based Robotic

1.Subsumption architecture
Subsumption architecture (entry from Wikipedia)
Robotic paradigm (entry from Wikipedia)
Autonomous behaviors (website from the Idaho National Laboratory)
Planning is just a way of avoiding figuring out what to do next (paper by Rodney Brooks, 1987)
Intelligence without representation (paper by Rodney Brooks, 1987)
Subsumption architecture (website from the University of Michigan)
A robust layered control system for a mobile robot (paper by Rodney Brooks, 1985)
Build your own subsumption-based robot (from the Consortium on Cognitive Science Instruction)
TEDtalk by Rodney Brooks
Intelligence without reason (paper by Rodney Brooks, 1991)

2. Rodney Brook’s Allen
How to build complete creatures rather than isolated cognitive simulators (paper by Rodney Brooks)
Allen (robot) (entry from Wikipedia)
Elephants don’t play chess (paper by Rodney Brooks, 1990)

3. Behavior-based architecture
Behavior-based robotics (entry from Wikipedia)
Behavior-based robotics (tutorial from the Idaho National Laboratory)
A hierarchical behavior-based architecture (website by Monica Nicolescu)
Behavior-based control: A brief primer (website by Maja Mataric)
Robotics primer by Maja Mataric (video)
Maja Mataric’s publications (website from the University of Southern California)
Behavior-based robotics, its scope and its prospects (paper by Andreas Birk, 1998; from Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE)
Robots flying together (video)

4. Maja Mataric's TOTO
Imagination and situated cognition (paper by Lynn Stein, 1991)
A Boy Scout, Toto, and a Bird: How situated cognition is different from situated robotics (paper by William Clancey, 1995)

5. Maja Mataric’s Nerd Herd
Herd mentality (article from Wired, 1996)
Tiny robots learn to be social (article from CNN)
Robot swarm (website from the Idaho National Laboratory)
Swarm of flying robots (video)

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