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- Versions
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ESV Bible editions
- King James Version
- New English Bible
- New International Version
- New King James Version
- New Revised Standard Version
- Revised English Bible
- Revised Version
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- Prayer Books
This edition of the New International Version presents the NIV with generous wide margins around the text, study tools, resilient Bible paper and a fully sewn binding.
It was typeset using a stylish digital font sharing many qualities with traditional Bible typefaces. As in the NIV Pitt Minion Edition from which it derives, the Wide-Margin design delivers a combinaton of clarity with economy of form.
The text is arranged in paragraph format with full cross-references, and the words of Christ are printed in red. At the back of the Bible are an expanded concordance and 15 colour maps.
- 2011 NIV text
- Wide margins for notes
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Bible paper
- Red-letter text
- Paragraph format
- Cross-references
- Extended concordance
- 15 colour maps
- Ribbon marker
- KJV http://www.cambridge.org/bibles/bible-versions/king-james-version/reference-editions/concord-wide-margin/
- ESV http://www.cambridge.org/bibles/bible-versions/english-standard-version/wide-margin/
- NKJV http://www.cambridge.org/bibles/bible-versions/new-king-james-version/wide-margin/
- NASB http://www.cambridge.org/bibles/bible-versions/new-american-standard-bible/wide-margin/
Binding options
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NIV Insight Bible, Wide-Margin Reference Edition, HB, NI740:XRM
Bible BibleHardback
$39.99 (O)Available in limited markets onlyUnavailable
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