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- Careers

Katharine Scott
Katharine Scott is a writer of best selling English language textbooks. She has been developing educational materials with her co-author, Susan House, for the last fifteen years.
She also works as a teacher trainer and has taken part in seminars, workshops and training sessions throughout Latin America, Turkey, Eastern Europe, as well as in Spain, where she is based.
Katharine has so far co-authored The English Ladder (Cambridge University Press and SELT) along with a variety of course books for Macmillan and Richmond Publishing.
As an essay writer, Katharine has also contributed to academic publications on classroom practice. Her special areas of interest include: Working with an integrated curriculum (CLIL); Story-based teaching for young learners; Developing literacy skills to develop competent readers and writers; Working with phonics.
What we do
- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
- English Language Learning
- English Language Assessment
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- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
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