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- ISBN:9780955926549
- Format:Paperback
- Subject(s):German
- Author(s):Martina Esser, Ian Maun, Annette Duensing
- Available from: April 2009
Suitable for training advanced level students in writing texts in different styles and registers in German
This complete photocopiable resource supports teachers in developing their students reading and writing skills whilst practising the required language functions for the AS, A2 and AP examinations. This book includes lesson plans and worksheets. A teacher notes section includes answers to the workbooks and techniques for use in the classroom that equip students with the ability to write confidently and coherently. In each unit students analyse different text types which enables them to recognise, practise and produce a range of structures and lexis, transforming writing into an interactive whole class/group activity.
- Contents
Detailed lesson plans and photocopiable worksheets
Step by step to the extended writing required for the AS and A2 examinations
Transforms writing into an interactive whole class/group activity
Organised around text-types classified according to communicative purpose.
- Section 1. Personal writing: Brief aus den Ferien
- Auszuge aus Peters Tagebuch
- Der erste Schultag
- Briefkastentante /Briefkastenonkel
- Section 2. Narrative/Recount: Einbrecher bezahlen, um einzubrechen
- Aus dem Tagebuch
- Biografie eines Grossvaters
- Section 3. Descriptive/Informative: Wie verhindert man zu viel Stress?
- Ist Usedom eine Reise wert?
- Kuala Lumpur
- Section 4. Formal writing: Bewerbungsbrief
- Die Presse
- Section 5. Discussing and persuading: Man ist, was man isst!
- Ist Leistungssport Mord?
- Sollten Autos aus dem Stadtzentrum verbannt werden?
- Grammar checklist
- Vocabulary sheet
- Letter templates
- Model essay
- Essay templates
- Acknoledgements.
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