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- Grammar Gear
Grammar Gear
The Grammar Gear Teacher’s Books aim to help teachers create dynamic learning experiences for learners. Research-based activities and presentation encourage learners to share their knowledge, experiences and opinions in class. The functional and adaptable lesson plans facilitate the use of the Teacher’s Books in classrooms. They have activities and suggestions for the teacher. The books assist the teacher at each step, thereby helping them provide their classes with more dynamic learning experiences. Some unique features of the Teacher’s Book for each grammar lesson include these: Lesson Objectives and Prior Knowledge Expected; Classroom-based Activities; Assessment and Rubric for Assessment; Tips for Learner Engagement; Common Errors and Identification; Formative Assessment; Extension (advanced-level activities); Further Practice (remedial activities); Mindscape (visual maps); Answer keys. Additional questions for the sections Vocabulary and Composition have been provided, for extended practice. Texts and exercises targeted towards listening comprehension have been provided for in the section on Comprehension.
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