- ISBN:9781108746489
- Format:Print/online bundle
- Subject(s):Mathematics
- Qualification:Cambridge Primary
- Author(s):Cherri Moseley, Janet Rees
- Available from: November 2021
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×- Contents
The ‘Getting started’ feature at the start of each unit gets your learners thinking and talking about what they already know
Help your learners think and work mathematically with clearly identified activities throughout each unit
‘Let’s investigate’ provides learners with investigation activities linked to the skill
- Introduction
- 1. Numbers to 1000
- 2. Addition, subtraction and money
- Project 1
- 3. Multiplication and division
- 4. 3D shapes
- Project 2
- 5. Measurement, area and perimeter
- Project 3
- 6. Fractions of shapes
- 7. Statistics
- 8. Time
- 9. More addition and subtraction
- 10. More multiplication and division
- 11. More fractions
- Project 4
- 12. Measure
- 13. Time (2)
- 14. Angles and movement
- 15. Graphs
- Project 5
- 16. Chance
- Project 6
- 17. Patterns and symmetry
- Glossary and Index.
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