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- Cambridge International AS & A Level Marine Science 2nd Edition
Cambridge International AS & A Level Marine Science 2nd Edition
Help your students explore the wonders of the underwater world and develop their theoretical and practical skills. Designed to meet classroom challenges this series results from extensive research. The coursebook includes up-to-date, best practice teaching approaches with projects to develop students’ collaborative skills and ‘before you start’ questions and activities to unlock students’ prior learning. Reflection questions and self-evaluation checklists help students track their progress and take control of their own learning. The coursebook contains a practical skills chapter and all of the core practical activities. The workbook includes exercises and exam-style questions for each topic to provide more practice opportunities for students to consolidate and assess their learning and their ability to apply their knowledge to novel situations. The teacher’s resource is designed for day-to-day teaching needs - from teaching activity, assessment and homework ideas, to support with running practical activities, this resource provides inspiration and time-saving support.
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