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'Dear BBC'

'Dear BBC'
Children, Television Storytelling and the Public Sphere

  • Date Published: September 2001
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9780521785600


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About the Authors
  • Drawing on the diverse views of over 1,300 children in the UK between the ages of 6 and 12, 'Dear BBC' discusses key controversies in the public sphere about children's relationship with the media, especially television drama. Máire Messenger Davies draws on material gathered from an audience research project commissioned by the BBC, based on surveys, structured discussions with children and interviews with programme makers and policy makers. The book explores a number of complex and controversial issues. What do children think is the ideal television service for them, and for others? How is media consumption managed and negotiated in the home? How is the relationship between programme makers and audience changing in the light of global broadcasting trends? And perhaps most importantly, how much attention should be paid to children's views about these issues and the future of children's television? This engaging and accessible book will appeal to a broad audience.

    • Presents children's views on broadcasting
    • Discusses a number of complex and controversial issues about children's relationship with the media
    • Will be a valuable contribution to debates about the future of broadcasting, citizenship and the nature of childhood
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'Maire Messenger Davies … is without a doubt an extremely gifted thinker, speaks about this subject with immense knowledge and, moreover, she does so from the heart. this is her best work yet.' David Oswell, Sociology

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    Product details

    • Date Published: September 2001
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9780521785600
    • length: 290 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 17 mm
    • weight: 0.43kg
    • contains: 13 tables
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Part I. Broadcasting Institutions and Childhood:
    1. 'It should be mixed and something for all ages': children and broadcasting in the 1990s
    2. 'Once you get into it you are just, like, hooked': the importance of television storytelling
    3. 'How old are big people? Ten': changing childhood
    4. 'Dear BBC': children's relationship with broadcasters - the consumer child
    Part II. The Social Functions of Broadcasting:
    5. 'Setting good examples': the Reithian agenda
    6. 'If you ban it they'll be complaining it's not on': censorship
    7. 'I think it comes from England, because they speak our language': aspects of identity
    Part III. The Art of Television:
    8. 'Never, ever in a programme do you see the bad guy win': media literacy and the understanding of narrative
    9. 'You can make anything happen, as long as you can draw it': animation

  • Author

    Máire Messenger Davies, University of Ulster

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