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Why choose this journal?

Here are five compelling reasons to contribute to Environmental Data Science:

1. Submit your work to a dedicated venue for the use of data-driven methods for the environment:

Environmental Data Science (EDS) was launched because researchers using data science and AI to solve environmental problems have few outlets in which to publish: our feedback showed that this work is seen as too technical and applied for domain journals in the environmental sciences, whilst journals in the computer and data sciences may not see work inspired by environmental problems as technical enough. EDS is the new open access home for this growing interface.

2. EDS gives you quality feedback from methods and domain experts:

Our editorial board is composed of people who have been working on the use of AI and data science for specific environmental topics. Our peer review process obtains a mixture of input from reviewers with data and/or methods expertise and those with domain knowledge.

3. Make your work Open Access (OA) to enhance its dissemination and impact:

EDS articles are published under Creative Commons licensing, making them freely available to reproduce and re-use with accreditation. Multiple routes to funding Gold OA, including institutional agreements and APC waivers and discounts, are available to authors in order to ensure that every author can publish in this journal and enjoy the benefits of Gold OA. Please see this journal's open access options for full details.

Your article, if accepted, will be widely disseminated thanks to EDS (@envdatascience) and Cambridge social media. We publish impact statements in articles that make findings understandable to a wide audience. We also use Altmetric on articles to track forms of impact, such social media mentions, blog and news coverage, and coverage in grey and policy literature.

4. Enrich your article with Open Data and Open Materials:

EDS awards Open Practice Badges to articles when the authors have linked to openly available data, code and materials in the article's Data Availability Statement. These badges highlight the availability of these resources to readers and act as a reward for authors who have engaged in open practices.

5. Help us build a growing research community using data-driven and open science for the environment. 

By contributing to EDS you are helping build an audience of authors, readers and practitioners at this interface.

Why you can feel confident that Environmental Data Science is a respected venue:

As a new journal, EDS is still establishing its reputation, but you can feel confident about publishing your work with us for the following reasons: