The first sentence of the second paragraph of the Introduction
‘Examples of the state-of-the-art operational sea-ice and ocean forecasting systems are the Canadian Global Ice Ocean Prediction System (GIOPS; Smith and others, 2016), the United States Navy Arctic Cap Nowcast/Forecast System (ACNFS; Hebert and others, 2015) and the Norwegian Tunable Optical Profiler for Aerosol and Ozone sea-ice/ocean numerical prediction system (TOPAZ4; Sakov and others, 2012)’.
Should read
‘Examples of the state-of-the-art operational sea-ice and ocean forecasting systems are the Canadian Global Ice Ocean Prediction System (GIOPS; Smith and others, 2016), the United States Navy Arctic Cap Nowcast/Forecast System (ACNFS; Hebert and others, 2015) and the Towards an Operational Prediction system of the North Atlantic and European coastal Zones (TOPAZ4; Sakov and others, 2012)’.