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> Instructors


Digital Capabilities in our eTextbooks

eTextbook Enhancements

Our textbooks are readable online and offline via our eReader, Cambridge Spiral. Cambridge Spiral supports rich media, known as enhancements, to aid teaching and learning efforts. Enhancements include:

Cambridge Spiral Features

Cambridge Spiral offers a number of features for students and instructors to make use of within their classroom. These include:

Visit our Cambridge Spiral information page for more detail on features and functions of the eReader.

Using eTextbooks in the Classroom

Instructors can now share their notes on eTextbooks with their students, making it easy to highlight key teaching points, introduce homework questions, or mark points for future class discussions.

Multiple groups can be created per title, each with a unique code to provide to those you wish to have access to the shared annotations.

For more information on how group annotations work, head to our information page .