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Membership is open to all individuals with an interest in the history of education.

All members of the HES receive online access to the History of Education Quarterly (HEQ) during the term of their membership. However, members have a choice to opt in or out of receiving print copies.

HES membership is entered into on a calendar year basis from January to December of the subscription year. If you become a member during the middle of the year, all back copies of HEQ issues published during that subscription year will be delivered to you (assuming you have not opted out of receiving print copies of the Journal). HES members also receive the History of Education Society Newsletter four times a year. The newsletter features HES announcements, calls for papers, information on new publications, and commentary from our members.

You may also gift a year’s membership to HEQ to a student, colleague, or friend. To purchase a gift membership, donate the price of the membership  and then contact with the confirmation of your donation and the name of the person you would like to purchase a membership for with your donation. We can then establish a year-long membership for that person.

A note for institutions: Membership rates are for individual members of the HES only. For more information about ordering an institutional subscription to the journal, please contact Cambridge University Press

Regular Membership (Online-only)       $120

Regular Membership (Print & Online)   $170

Student Membership (Online-only)         $40

Student Membership (Print & Online)    $80

Emeritus Membership (Online-only)       $90

Emeritus Membership (Print & Online)  $160