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Alan Gerber (Yale) and Donald Green (Columbia)


Alan Gerber and Donald Green have made multiple contributions to political methodology, setting standards for making causal inference that others can follow to improve the quality of their research.

Their major contribution together has been their advancement of field experiments as a prominent tool for causal inference in political science. Their research has ushered in an explosion of experimental field research in political science coupled with rigorous quantitative analysis.

They have written the authoritative Field Experiments: Design, Analysis and Interpretations. Their research using field experiments has revolutionized the study of voting turnout and other topics.

Even setting their experimental work aside, Gerber and Green are giants in the study of American politics. Each has made a mark on the study of American politics with major articles on such diverse topics as voter turnout, campaign effects, party identification, political representation, personality and politics, and economic voting. Using observational data, these projects used innovative research designs and advanced multivariate tools to offer convincing causal inferences, often where the literature had indicated major advances were not possible.
