The effects of three trap variables (age, saturation, and density) on catches of male spruce budworm moths were tested using Pherocon 1CP® traps baited with synthetic sex attractant in high-density budworm populations in Maine and low-density populations in Ontario. As trap age increased, the number of moths captured decreased significantly; traps aged 2, 10, and 16 days caught an average of 5.4, 28, and 27% fewer moths than unaged traps. Traps functionally saturate and trapping efficiency diminishes in both high and low density populations after ca. 50 moths are caught, although maximum observed catch was 193 moths/day. Density or spacing of traps also affects trap efficiency. Traps spaced 5 m apart may act as a single attraction source. Interference between traps was evident for traps spaced 10, 20, and 30 m apart, while traps spaced at 40 m had the least interference. However, interference at all spacings was noted during peak moth flight in 1978 when mean catch was ca. 140 moths/trap/day.
Pherocon 1CP traps can be used for detecting and monitoring spruce budworm populations; however, influences of trap age, timing of trap placement, trap saturation, spacing of traps, and lure strength should be taken into account.