The corrosion behaviour in distilled water of five simulated European reference high level waste glasses has been investigated for times up to 8 months. The glasses were chosen in accordance with the Joint European Community research programme on HLW form characterization: two French glasses (SON58, SON64), one British glass (UK209) and two glasses designed to incorporate HLW stored at the Eurochemic plant in Belgium (SM58 and SAN60). In the reference condition (90°C, SA.V−1 = 1 cm−1) the leaching was characterized mainly by diffusion processes and by the onset of saturation in the leachate (these saturation effects were found to depend on glass composition). In more dilute conditions (SA.V−1 = 0.1 cm−1), matrix dissolution was the rate controlling mechanism. Increasing the leachant temperature to 150°C and higher lead to pronounced surface crystallization and, at least for one glass (SAN60), to an increased corrosion.