There is a high and increasing proportion of
single-parent families in Jamaica. This has raised
concerns about the potential impact of single-parent
families on the social, cognitive and behavioural
development of children, including their sexual
relationships. The aim of this study was to
investigate the association between being raised in
a single-parent family and age of sexual debut among
young people in Jamaica. The study was
cross-sectional in design, and based on a
multi-stage sampling procedure. The study was
conducted in July/September 2016. The study sample
comprised 233 respondents (110 males and 123
females) aged from 18 to 35 years (mean 26.37 years;
SD 5.46). Respondents completed a self-administered
questionnaire with questions on socio-demographic
characteristics, family structure, sexual debut and
current sexual behaviour. Ninety-seven (41.7%)
respondents grew up in single-parent families. A
total of 201 (86.3%) had had sex (102 males and 99
females). Their mean age of sexual debut was 15.51
years (SD 3.41). Sixty-five (32.3%) had early sexual
debut (<16 years). Respondents from
single-parent families were more likely to have had
early sexual debut (56.9%; n=37)
compared with those from two-parent families (43.1%,
p=0.004). Only 44.6%
(n=29) of those who experienced
early sexual debut used a condom during their first
sexual encounter compared with 73%
(n=100) of those who had a later
sexual debut (≥16 years;
p=<0.001). A single-father
family structure was a significant predictor of
early sexual debut (AOR 5.5; 95%CI: 1.1–25.8). The
study found a significant association between
single-parent family structure and age of sexual