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Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century
Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System Through WTO Accessions


Alexei Kireyev, Chiedu Osakwe, Micheline Calmy-Rey, Svenja Rauch, Anna Varyanik, Arancha González, Maša Lekić, Juneyoung Lee, Nora Neufeld, Hubert Escaith, Vicky Chemutai, Ying Yan, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Axel Addy, Humayoon Rasaw, Pierre Laporte, Charles Morin, Cillia Mangroo, Atsuyuki Oike, Antony Taubman, Robert D. Anderson, Anna Caroline Müller, Nivedita Sen, Tatiana Yanguas Acosta, Diwakar Dixit, Nannan Gao, Fangying Zheng, Josefita Pardo de León, Mariam Soumaré, Maika Oshikawa
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  • Date Published: December 2017
  • availability: In stock
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108431682

£ 36.99

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About the Authors
  • Trade multilateralism in the twenty-first century faces a serious test as weakness in the global economy and fast-paced technological changes create a challenging environment for world trade. This book examines how an updated and robust, rules-based multilateral framework, anchored in the WTO, remains indispensable to maximizing the benefits of global economic integration and to reviving world trade. By examining recent accessions to the WTO, it reveals how the growing membership of the WTO has helped to support domestic reforms and to strengthen the rules-based framework of the WTO. It argues that the new realities of the twenty-first century require an upgrade to the architecture of the multilateral trading system. By erecting its 'upper floors' on the foundation of existing trade rules, the WTO can continue to adapt to a fast-changing environment and to maximize the benefits brought about by its ever-expanding membership.

    • Includes contributions from top-policy-makers and chief negotiators, providing first-hand accounts and expertise in trade policy-making
    • Analyses WTO accessions in the context of global economic and social development
    • Describes how WTO accessions can function as a tool to accelerate domestic reforms
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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 2017
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108431682
    • length: 452 pages
    • dimensions: 228 x 152 x 21 mm
    • weight: 0.73kg
    • contains: 18 b/w illus. 8 colour illus. 20 tables
    • availability: In stock
  • Table of Contents

    1. Making trade multilateralism work for all: the role of WTO accessions Alexei Kireyev and Chiedu Osakwe
    Part I. WTO Accessions And The New Trade Multilateralism:
    2. The WTO and the changing state of the global economy Alexei Kireyev
    3. The art and science of negotiation: de-politicizing and technicizing negotiations Micheline Calmy-Rey and Svenja Rauch
    4. The accession of Kazakhstan: dealing with complexity Alexei Kireyev, Chiedu Osakwe and Anna Varyanik
    5. Helping businesses navigate WTO accession Arancha González
    6. WTO rules, accession protocols and mega-regionals – complementarity and governance in the rules-based global economy Maša Lekić and Chiedu Osakwe
    7. Promoting good governance: from encouraging a principle to taking concrete action – examples from WTO accession protocols and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Juneyoung Lee, Nora Neufeld and Anna Varyanik
    8. Transforming accessions data into knowledge Hubert Escaith, Chiedu Osakwe, Vicky Chemutai and Ying Yan
    Part II. Negotiators' Perspectives On The WTO Accession Process:
    9. Accession of Liberia: an agenda for transformation Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Axel Addy
    10. Afghanistan's accession: challenged by conflict Humayoon Rasaw
    11. The WTO accession of Seychelles: lessons from a small island economy Pierre Laporte, Charles Morin and Cillia Mangroo
    12. WTO accession negotiations from a negotiator's perspective Atsuyuki Oike
    Part III. Accessions Acquis: Thematic Perspectives and Implementation Challenges:
    13. How post-TRIPS negotiations reframe the 'trade-related aspects' of intellectual property after TRIPS: the lessons of WTO accessions Antony Taubman
    14. Competition policy in WTO accessions: filling in the blanks in the international trading system Robert D. Anderson, Anna Caroline Müller and Nivedita Sen
    15. Geographical indications in the accessions landscape Tatiana Yanguas Acosta
    16. WTO accession commitments on agriculture: lessons for WTO rule-making Diwakar Dixit
    17. The WTO-plus obligations: dual class or a strengthened system? Nannan Gao and Fangying Zheng
    18. Accession protocols and the private sector Josefita Pardo de León and Mariam Soumaré
    19. Post-accession support platform Maika Oshikawa
    20. Conclusion – trade multilateralism: enhancing flexibility, preserving the momentum Alexei Kireyev and Chiedu Osakwe.

  • Editors

    Alexei Kireyev, International Monetary Fund Institute, Washington DC
    Alexei Kireyev is a senior economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the former IMF representative to the WTO. He has led advanced IMF missions to member countries, provided advice on macroeconomic policies to countries with IMF-supported programmes, and authored numerous publications on international economics.

    Chiedu Osakwe, World Trade Organization
    Chiedu Osakwe is Trade Advisor and Chief Negotiator for Nigeria while he is on special leave from the WTO. In the WTO, he has served as director of various divisions for many years, including most recently as Director of the Accessions Division.


    Alexei Kireyev, Chiedu Osakwe, Micheline Calmy-Rey, Svenja Rauch, Anna Varyanik, Arancha González, Maša Lekić, Juneyoung Lee, Nora Neufeld, Hubert Escaith, Vicky Chemutai, Ying Yan, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Axel Addy, Humayoon Rasaw, Pierre Laporte, Charles Morin, Cillia Mangroo, Atsuyuki Oike, Antony Taubman, Robert D. Anderson, Anna Caroline Müller, Nivedita Sen, Tatiana Yanguas Acosta, Diwakar Dixit, Nannan Gao, Fangying Zheng, Josefita Pardo de León, Mariam Soumaré, Maika Oshikawa

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