A Blueprint for a Green Future - Multidisciplinary report on a green recovery from COVID-19 by the Cambridge Zero Policy Forum

09 November 2020, Version 1


The COVID-19 pandemic has already wreaked an immense toll on lives, livelihoods, and on the global economy. The UK can emerge stronger and more resilient, but to do so we must also face head-on the triple challenge of responding to the threats posed by growing social inequality, the destruction of nature, and climate change. How we choose to prioritise an economic and societal recovery will dramatically affect the outcomes of both for future generations. In this ambitious new report, The Cambridge Zero Policy Forum has brought together ideas from senior academics across the University of Cambridge to present a multidisciplinary perspective and series of recommendations for policymakers and industry.


climate change
green recovery
net zero
COVID-19 pandemic
net zero emissions
just transition
economic recovery

Supplementary weblinks


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