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Our Mandarin resources empower Cambridge IGCSE® students to develop their language skills, learning Mandarin as both a native and second language. Our resources encourage students to not only speak Mandarin, but also read and understand the more complex aspects of the language, helping them to build their confidence with a range of grammatical contexts and lexical differences.
Students taking Mandarin lessons will benefit from studying with Cambridge University Press. Learn important vocabulary used within topics and themes such as social relationships, work experience, technology and social media, and more. Students learning Mandarin as a first language will also be taught how to use Directed Writing and Classical Chinese through real Mandarin texts covering a wide range of topics.
Learning Mandarin encourages students to consider their career opportunities after education, and how they could apply their skills within different Chinese markets. The Chinese business market is booming, and business people who can speak Mandarin have a huge advantage tapping into the many avenues this sector contains. Mandarin is the most widely spoken native language in the world, meaning if students learn to speak Mandarin with proficiency, they are essentially equipping themselves with the ability to speak with around a fifth of the world’s population.
If you need help choosing which Mandarin resources are right for your students, contact your local sales representative today.
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