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Look Inside An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures

An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures

Volume 4. An Introduction to the Textual Criticism, Etc. of the New Testament

  • Date Published: November 2013
  • availability: Available
  • format: Paperback
  • isbn: 9781108067744


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About the Authors
  • A painstaking compiler of catalogues and indexes, the biblical scholar and bibliographer Thomas Hartwell Horne (1780–1862) first published his most famous work in 1818, having begun his research for it many years earlier in 1801. Reissued here in five parts is the expanded four-volume tenth edition of 1856, which includes revisions by the scholars Samuel Davidson (c.1806–98) and Samuel Prideaux Tregelles (1813–75). This monumental and influential work of nineteenth-century biblical scholarship remains a valuable resource for modern researchers, reflecting the methods and perspectives of its era. Volume 4, rewritten by Tregelles for this edition, addresses textual criticism of the New Testament. Drawing strongly on his previous scholarship, Tregelles covers the history of the text, distinguished readings and important manuscripts, and he provides an introduction to each book of the New Testament.

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    Product details

    • Date Published: November 2013
    • format: Paperback
    • isbn: 9781108067744
    • length: 804 pages
    • dimensions: 229 x 152 x 45 mm
    • weight: 1.16kg
    • contains: 13 b/w illus.
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    Addenda et corrigenda
    Part I. Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament:
    1. The objects proposed
    2. Language of the New Testament
    3. Characteristics of New Testament Greek
    4. On the text of the New Testament
    5. On the history of the text itself
    6. On the various readings
    7. On the systematic classification of documents
    8. Discussions on recensions
    9. On the charge that Greek MSS have been altered from the Latin
    10. On the history of the Greek New Testament to the time of Bengel
    11. History of the printed text from Bengel onwards
    12. On the sources of textual criticism in general
    13. Greek MSS of the most ancient class containing portions of the gospels
    14. Fragments of MSS of the most ancient class containing portions of the gospels
    15. MSS of the most ancient class which do not contain the gospels
    16. Later uncial MSS of peculiar importance
    17. The other late uncials containing the gospels
    18. The other later uncials containing the Acts, Epistles, or Apocalypse
    19. Important MSS in cursive letters
    20. MSS containing lectionaries
    21. On the ancient versions in general as sources of textual criticism
    22. The ancient Latin versions prior to the Vulgate of Jerome
    23. The revision of the Latin by Jerome
    24. The early Syriac versions
    25. The Phlioxenian Syriac version
    26. The Syriac version of portions added to some editions of the Peshito
    27. The Jerusalem Syriac version
    28. The Memphitic version
    29. The Thebaic version
    30. The Gothic version
    31. The Armenian version
    32. The Aethiopic version
    33. The Arabic and other later versions
    34. Early citations, as sources of criticism
    35. On the application of materials for criticism
    36. On the reading of 1 John, v. 7
    37. On the application of some of the results of textual criticism
    Part II. Introductions to the Respective Books of the New Testament: Preliminary observations
    1. Classification of the books of the New Testament
    2. The name and number of the canonical gospels
    3. On the gospel by St Matthew
    4. On the gospel by St Mark
    5. On the gospel by St Luke
    6. On the gospel by St John
    7. On the Acts of the Apostles
    8. Account of the apostle Paul
    9. Observations on the apostolic epistles
    10. On the epistle to the Romans
    11. On the first epistle to the Corinthians
    12. On the second epistle to the Corinthians
    13. On the epistle to the Galatians
    14. On the epistle to the Ephesians
    15. On the epistle to the Philippians
    16. On the epistle to the Colossians
    17. On the first epistle to the Thessalonians
    18. On the second epistle to the Thessalonians
    19. On the first epistle to Timothy
    20. On the second epistle to Timothy
    21. On the epistle to Titus
    22. On the epistle to Philemon
    23. On the epistle to the Hebrews
    24. On the Catholic epistles in general
    25. On the general epistle of James
    26. On the first general epistle of Peter
    27. On the second general epistle of Peter
    28. On the first general epistle of John
    29. On the second and third general epistles of John
    30. On the general epistle of Jude
    31. On the book of Revelation
    Bibliographical list

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    An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures

    Thomas Hartwell Horne, Samuel Davidson, Samuel Prideaux Tregelles

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  • Authors

    Thomas Hartwell Horne

    Samuel Davidson

    Samuel Prideaux Tregelles

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