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By studying ancient philosophical theories, Nastaʿlīq calligraphy and grammatical considerations, students can work towards success in learning Urdu as a second language. Through a series of exam-style questions and engaging activities, students will gain confidence using the Urdu language. Explore our full selection of Urdu resources today.
We understand how having a fluency in more than one language opens up many doors and career paths after education. This is why the main focus of our Urdu learning books is to help students in four areas: reading, writing, speaking, and listening and language.
As well as this, students will learn important aspects of Urdu grammar and syntax. The helpful grammar checklists are an ideal way for students to proof read their work and assess their own skill – have they used the right genders? Do their verbs all agree? Have they included the right pronouns?
Learning Urdu with Cambridge University Press will put students in a prime position to succeed with their Cambridge O Level exams. They can apply the skills they learn, such as critical thinking, to their further education and future careers.
If you need help selecting the Urdu books that are right for your students, contact your local sales representative.
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